Full Match of Pinhead (Dead by Daylight)

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It was very, very difficult to get a real full match of Pinhead, considering 9/10 games playing him crash. Fantastic.

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24 thoughts on “Full Match of Pinhead (Dead by Daylight)”

  1. This isn't the best match in the world, but it's that 1/10 game that I DIDNT crash, so it's one of the only games I have lol.

    Love you guys, sorry for the lack of stuff, with MMR now on variety might show up here a bit more. Hope you don't mind. Enjoy!

  2. I would like to talk about the dc issue right now. It might not relate to two survivors, but maybe the number of hooks? Because in one of the games I got disconnected, I only had one kill, but everyone else on death hook and I got disconnected after trying to hook one of the other survivors. Might even be something else entirely.

  3. I would like to talk about the dc issue right now. It might not relate to two survivors, but maybe the number of hooks? Because in one of the games I got disconnected, I only had one kill, but everyone else on death hook and I got disconnected after trying to hook one of the other survivors. Might even be something else entirely.

  4. Farmer, bro, you do realize when a survivor falls to the ground they can’t move for like a second or two and the only perk that counters that mechanic is used maybe 30% to 40% of the time. I can’t tell you how long it has been since I have seen someone run balanced landing. The fact that you lost momentum doesn’t mean a thing because if you just wait until you hit the ground you still get a free hit. Like the momentum isn’t that bad.

  5. Hoarder and Franklins work on the box, so that’s something. I also think remember me could be good on him because that stacked with the chain hunt would make opening the gate a nightmare


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