Gameplay Review of the #1 Shred Demogorgon – Dead by Daylight

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39 thoughts on “Gameplay Review of the #1 Shred Demogorgon – Dead by Daylight”

  1. Pretty much all of these mistakes are bad habits from not playing against good survivors due to, you guessed it, playing most of their games deranking off stream and never getting above a certain level of MMR when they do play.

  2. Oddly enough, the more I play Demo, the more I think STBFL is a trap perk on the killer. Yes, the perk is extremely powerful, probably the strongest overall perk in the game as long as you can get and save stacks like you easily can with Demo. The problem is that Demo does not really need the benefit of STBFL like other low mobility killers because he has an extended range attack. I personally think Enduring is a better perk as it makes it a lot harder to escape a Demo.

  3. You're critiquing someone who doesn't have a high skill because they intententionally keep their MMR low. Like ya they're going to be playing very sub par because this person isn't ever challenged to do better…

  4. His plan seems to be to tunnel/camp someone out of the game while having the add ons for info/slowdown and generator perks for slowdown – hoping that the slowdown will be enough to buy him time for the camp/tunnel. But his issue stems from the fact he barely uses any of this. Pain Resonance is a perk that benefits from being aggressive and getting as many Scourge Hooks as possible; hard to do when you are hanging around a hook. PGTW needs you to go to the problem gens; as indicated by Pain Resonance. You can’t Jolt gens if you don’t pressure them. As for the add ons, if you run portal add ons on Demo you need to actually use them to make them a threat, but if you just hang around the hook the survivors won’t care; they can just keep working on gens. In practice; Deadlock was probably the most useful tool to him simply for the fact that Deadlock buys any killer time unconditionally.

    But in practice, I think this guy relies HEAVILY on altruistic survivors and non-skilled chasers, because if the team he went against was either weak at looping or overly eager to save, he might have snowballed and gotten a lot more use out of some of those perks. But relying on that in a half-decent lobby….. not a clever idea

  5. You sound tired at the start there Scott. Maybe get a bit more rest if you can?

    11:39 "Every other player." Stop right there Scott. I wouldn't be blaming that stuff. I freely admit to being shit at the game and whenever I had a bad game I say I could have played better. I'll say these other things contributed to my loss but at the end of the day I am the reason I lost the match. I did not play well enough to get a 4k. There are some maps where it is really hard to get a 4k as Killer because of just the map RNG but you can learn to play around that stuff and if you don't play it well enough you loose. It is that simple.
    But I do agree with you that more people need to take fault in their actions and not just blame anything else but themselves.

    Thanks for the video Scott.

  6. And this is supposed to be “the best Demogorgon” in the world? Good lord that match was rough, I know that was the streak destroying match but if that’s how he usually plays Demo then all other aspects of his “streak” are even more sus

  7. Ah what a lovely community. Let's tear into someone because he offended our collective ego. LOL Could easily go into all of your losses and tear them to shreds as well. Well hopefully you can all rest easy knowing this man is definitely not better than you. Lmao

  8. this entire video is literally scott trying not to be disparaging to a guy who is obviously very low skilled and delusional about his skill. scott literally had to work harder to find compliments about the dude than the dude had to exert in 99% of his matches

  9. I don't understand killers who put up triple or quad slowdown, and then just… not.. pressure gens? Bestie, you need to actively push people off for it to do anything for you.

    I'm certainly not a god tier demo, but I run enfury, mad grit, and bbq and still win MOST of my games.

    Slowdown is passive, it doesn't actively help if you don't use it. It doesn't kill your camped hook faster.

  10. He isn't saying that team was fantastic because he has a positive or healthy attitude, he does it to make himself look better. On his own VoDs you can see him say an average team who used 15 perks, perks like lightweight, perks of various ranks and not a single dead hard, are a "comp team". They weren't even good, let alone a comp team.

  11. It’s well known that if you don’t play and face a challenge you won’t get any better. I believe it here. Only playing rank 20s for hours on end is not making this guy any better really. I feel like an average rank 8-1 player is better than him

  12. I get we all have bad matches but as someone who was claiming to be better than 99.9% of killer players this is pretty funny to watch. Guy is not as good as he thinks he is.

  13. Man this was the biggest letdown ever. I was expecting team oracle to be the team he played against and would finish the match with like 10 hooks and 1 escape, he is the self proclaimed best demo after all. I got below average killer gameplay against an average group of survivors.


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