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In this video I provide you with some Xenopup gameplay against a Garden Of Joy offering. i hope you enjoy the video and thanks for watching (:
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survivors when strategy: 😭
if gens went slower and swf wasn't allowed there'd be a lot less tunneling
When Survivors cry in my matches
Me: damn must suck that there is 4 of you and one of me. I'd be mad that me and my 3 friends couldn't beat a single person. I'd even uninstall.
Xeno-gorgon skin
Is it hard to play Xenomorph on controller?
Silly Negoose. Xenomorph is clearly a kitty. The hisses, the little murder claws and the cat walk on 4 legs.
Tbh i think if tunneling upset people that much then its a skill issue except if its a Nurse or blight theirs not that much u can do
Survivors when doing gens as fast as possible and running killers: 😁
Survivors when they get tunneled because killers need some pressure too: 😭
Xeno is a kitty tho, not a puppy.
Every time they send me to the Garden of Joy, I bring them to the Tunnel of Love!
Not that endorse tunneling, but that Yui basically killed Feng, bad idea to farm a survivor on death hook next to a killer that already showed will tunnel somebody straight from hook,. You are doing that to yourself.
To the “tunneling” accusation for Xeno I always reply that it’s literally his ability to use tunnels and I don’t understand the accusation.
There's no such thing as garden of pain now its been nerf into oblivion everything gone
The zooming in and out with Monitor is so trippy 😂
DBD survivors will bring 16 meta perks, strong items with strong add ons, map offering and then cry when the killer doesn't play to their rules and expectations. GG dude.
wtf that xeno in M1 only mode looks like Sadako witht that hand placement xD