GET THE BOX! – Dead by Daylight!

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10 thoughts on “GET THE BOX! – Dead by Daylight!”

  1. Small easy adjustments they could make but won't are removing PTS. Make two people on gens take 60 seconds not 40 whatever.
    Remove or change how BPS works.
    They are small but simple changes that could be done over night.
    Edit: Them two stretch res players should be banned, the proof is there, so BHVR should stick to their words and ban them.

  2. BUbububa… but you can't change swf because I'm playing casual with my friends.
    WhY dO yOu wAnt tO rUiN my EXpErIeNcE!!??
    Why don't you play the stale meta killers with best addons and git gud? /big sarcasm

  3. Explains why these games are even harder.

    Around 50% of all survivors are most likely to use stretched resolution and that really explains a lot of chases as to why does it seem so impossible to catch up to the survivor.
    There has been a few occasions in certain maps that the survivor always knew which direction I'd come out from when I'd attempt to mind-game while hiding the red stain whilst in a looped chase.
    As True said; "You wanna know if you're playing with a stretch res', they'd look at the floor because they'd see here (top of the screen)" increased field of view, which shows more of what's happening and allows survivors to see better over the head of the loop, Truetalent already explained this in one of his videos.

    It truly turns out to show that these toxic "high MMR" survivors are not so good after all.


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