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#dbd #alien #xenomorph
This video showcases how fun The Xenomorph is in Dead by Daylight.
❤️️ YOUTUBE: @GraveYT
►Music used is courtesy of Karl Casey @ White Bat Audio
►Outro Song: FALLING APART by Jacob Lizotte
This video was created with Movavi:
They should ad a flamethrower in every killer match just cuz it’s so fun
I love the fact that runner mode actually makes it harder to see. Makes it feel alien in the way it moves so unnaturally.
dbd is fun but damn is it ugly lol
0:30 hilarious when she move head yes
flamethrower just make xeno cant use running mode
He is not out how are you playing with him?
Pet the doggy
This ptb is already shaping up to be great. There's only a very few things holding it back in my opinion. I actually prefer the xenomorph when it's not in runner mode. The animations when it's standing up are phenomenal and looks really similar to the animations from alien isolation. Makes it scarier I find. Also I do find the power to be a little copy and paste. Taking huge themes from the Dredge/Sadako/Demodog – Teleporting around the map. As well as nemesis with his whip. And i would've been floored if the map was the whole nostromo and when the endgame collapse happen the self destruct alarms start blaring. Although honestly I'm just really happy they finally added alien after all these years. Here's hoping for predator soon and that alien/Ripley get some amazing skins
poor alien got toasted lol
They should give alien a add-on where he can go undetected to the flamethrower radar
I thought it would be faster
Think they'll need a limit on those turrets and how many can be active at once but other than that pretty workable I think.
The chase music plus the sfx of the beeping does not sound good at all
Yeah no, they need to reduce the range on those things in the live release XD also remove the vertical detection. Those things can literally turn the Alien into an M1 Killer.
SWF teams will just create entire zones where the Xeno just can't use his power in chase.
You play with a controller?
The screams when she lunges, is so damn cute😭
Demogorgon : 😞🍷
Yeah I'm sure the xeno had fun there too
I would want the alien to move faster in run mode. The turrets seem more than enough to deal with a faster alien.
Turret a so broken a another easy mode for survivor😢
I can already see the toxic sweathards abusing the flamethrowers. Not surprised they didn't give survivors another permanent haste effect for burning Xeno cause thats what bhvr seeks to think this game needs. 😒
they should def reduce the amouth of flametrowers that can be placed at a time i seen survivors place like 5 in a single haleway with a gen their working on
the most important part of this chapter is that demo now has a friend! 😀
Is alien that weak?
If I see anyone complaining about the xenomorph being op, I swear I'm gonna end it. It's the most balanced killer we've had on release for a while. First in many chapters that doesn't need buffs or nerfs. Just let it be exactly the way it is.
You play on Xbox? But how you on ptb
slowest alien I ever seen 😀
Monitor is gonna be a popular perk on Alien I can tell
How can you play the public test build on Consol? I tried playing it on Consol and it didn’t work. I just did the scorching BBQ event when I load it up.
Did they really add in the transparent heart visual from DBD Mobile but into PC and Console now?
after you get downed its even funner
the beep beep is annoying… its like a walmart or tesco checkout and it makes me want to bash my head against a whacky waving inflatable arm tube man…..which i WILL do…don't you worry , im doing it right now in some seedy carpark.