GIVE ME MY RANK 1!! – 77 Hours Into Dead By Daylight

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33 thoughts on “GIVE ME MY RANK 1!! – 77 Hours Into Dead By Daylight”

  1. In future DBD videos I will
    1. Speak louder and more often, try to explain more my thought process
    2. Ask you guys more questions
    2. Post 2/3 games instead of 1
    Anything else?

  2. Hey man! At 4:50, BBQ only shows survivors who are 40 meters away from the currently hooked survivor. If you cant see anyone,they are either in a locker or they are closer than 40m.

    Dont get me wrong,i just wanted to help. Enjoying the content <3 (EDIT : There are a few perks that can hide them from BBQ too,forgot to type this in)

  3. In 2:20 your best option was to down the girl, and then try to get the person who went for the unhook and even if possible the one who got off the hook if you could of find him to. Giving you 2-3 downs, plus you would of pressure the hell out of survivors number 4 forcing him to save or hide.

  4. well havok im amazed. cant really give advice on anything u didnt really make any major mistakes. The reason u will see a lot of disconnects is that spirit is the 2nd best killer in the game, some argue shes the better than nurse. And shes probably the most annoying to verse as she doesnt really give any killer to survivor interactions if you know what i mean. my only suggestion now is to move on to other killers for more fun for you and for the viewers for variety yk. as i said my suggestion is billy but its up to u to choose. just try not to choose a dogshit killer as it will make the game unfun and its a waste of bloodpoints. only move on to the shit killers when ur really confident playing an m1 killer that goes in normal chases. KEEP UP THE GREAT CONTENT MAN ML

  5. Ppl disconnect against spirit for the lack of conterplay since she has lotta mindgames unless you hv (iron will) you might hv a chance against her buut beside that just keep up you're doing great

  6. Mate as always impressed with how you bluff using your invisibility, almost never see people use it that well would get me 100% of the time! And that zoom in on the last guy in the cupboard killed me!

  7. I have to say that you are already playing very good so there are not many tips i could give you, so im just going to get some chocolate and watch you slaughtering poor Survivors

  8. 2:21
    To answer your question yes, most of the time it is good to pressure people that unhook, but if you notice Haunted ground got cleansed when she was in a dead zone. You would have gotten a down and got a possible snowball or double down by finding the injured Dwight later. Or that’s what I think, it’s what i would have done.


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