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GIVING WESKER 3 RUSHES! | Dead by Daylight
Hey all it’s PotatoWesker here I hope you’re keeping VERY well!
In todays video we are giving Wesker 3 RUSHES!!
With the blight serum you gain an additional rush! Though of course it’s not actually 3 rushes (Don’t sue me)
Enjoy the gameplay!
Introduction (0:00)
Gameplay 1 (0:46)
Gameplay 2 (15:10)
Use code Potatolegion:
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Thank you all very much for watching! I hope to see you all in my future videos
– PotatoLegion aka “Spud”
🎵Ending Music by: – “Blues” 🎵
#DeadbyDaylight #intothefog #DBD #BHVR #Legion #shirtmysurvivor #horror #multiplayer
Is anyone else having problems with playing the game. It feels like survivors only want weak killers that are easy to bully.
I wanna see what Wesker’s blighted rush would look like from the survivor’s pov
I was doing this build to lol
8 rush blight is also awesome you have to try it
They should honestly make an addon that isn’t event themed that gives Wesker an additional charge
I used Lethal Pursuer, BBQ, Corrupt Intervention and Deadlock. Lethal lets you triple rush into an early chase, plus it increases the duration of BBQ. The last 2 Perks give some gen slowdown without needing to spend time kicking gens. Replace Corrupt with Pain Resonance if you find it serves you better over the long game.
Man I don't know why but weskers chase music seems kinda annoying.
How do you hide player names?
Honestly, Blight Rush on Wesker is super underwhelming.
Try it on Sadako for a single one-off stealth rush. You'll make survivors shit themselves if you pair it with Lethal Pursuer, and guarantee a stealth ambush.
Also small child go fast nyoom
That from the survivors POV must be terrifying! Can’t image facing that without getting spooked
sees the wesker skin damn the entity of dead by daylight made him more of a monster then what he did to himself in re5 XD
I thought someone was hacking in my game
Thrilling Tremors, Surveillance, Deadmans switch and Hex huntress' lullaby is my go to build with Wesker. Sneaky Wesker is fun.
Amazon here to stall your game! What timing! Tomato
I put a blight serum on my legion lol, such a mistake 😅
I like you Wesker Virulent Rush sound effect, "Eeeeeeooooooooow"