GUESS HE WANTS IT! – Dead by Daylight!

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17 thoughts on “GUESS HE WANTS IT! – Dead by Daylight!”

  1. I don’t have an issue with these add ons but my only problem is it’s going to be like stridor where the killer uses these add ons their going to rely on them and when they take them off they won’t be able to play with out them this goes for a lot of nurses that rely on fatigue add ons and recharge

  2. So many shadow buffs to survivor like –
    Landing speed increased – (With no update notes)
    No sound on ground feature – (Based on % chance)
    Roll back feature – (Its very prevalent)
    Boon Lighting – (Its not considered an action so it synergizes with DS)
    Thanks BHVR

  3. as someone who has about 2k hours put into spirit, she is relatively the same prior to her nerf with the exception to few pallet loops. with that being said iron will is this killer's greatest weakness, literally takes everything away from her and makes her a 110 killer that has to wait 15 seconds to get her power back. the new green add-ons are all gimmicky situational at best and the two out of the three purple add-ons are extremely lack luster. even her new iridescent add-on that recharges her power after breaking pallets/doors is meh that is with brutal strength. one good thing to come from her nerf was the new re-work purple add-on dried cherry, gives us something to counter fucking iron will since stridor is pointless. considering iron will is one of the top meta perks you will see 1 or 2 nearly every game and sometimes even all 4 survivors at that point you might as well just hold w you will save more time getting blood lust than trying to phase on them especially if they know what they're doing.

  4. Honestly if they're going to leave spirit in this state they should increase her run speed to 4.6
    she was slow to balance out the fact her power was so strong but now it's so lackluster

    Missing with her power is way too punishing and that was even before she got nerfed at the higher ends of play

    They need to either increase her running speed to a normal M1 CQC Killers running speed of 4.6 or get rid of phase Direction and just make it proximity based volume phase getting quieter or louder the further away or closer so survivors know how far away she is but not what directions she is coming from.

    This will make her have a bit more and unpredictability and some of her strength back but not leaving survivors so far in the dark that they can't do anything they just need to use their head and actually read her a bit more instead of just basically I see I do.

    Playing against her is honestly boring as hell now.

    She's just a blind light that can turn corners really quickly without a bounce and a massive power hit fail rate

    Missing a single phase was absolutely devastating before but now it is so un effective against above average players which is where most of killer community end up because of how easy it is to get your MMR up it's pain and bully Street for poor old rin


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