HACKER OR A GOD GAMER? Dead by Daylight

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HACKER OR A GOD GAMER? Dead by Daylight

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27 thoughts on “HACKER OR A GOD GAMER? Dead by Daylight”

  1. I don’t get why you respected that dead hard at that pallet @9:14 and waited. She expected you to wait since your last dead hard encounter why not switch it up and not be predictable and swing early lol I don’t get it, and if you get the same outcome at least keep them guessing on when you’ll swing next time

  2. sometimes cheaters show their cheats when they're about to lose and it's their last resort…

    everything seemed legit, until the very end…. I can't confirm she was cheating, I've seen some crazy patient people from xbox (u can't cheat), but definitely a veeery sus DH. who knows

  3. to see if he auto DH. wait at a pallet wild she is on the other side of you of the pallet.. just swing to the pallet.. the cheat will activate even if you are on the other side of pallet

  4. There were some mistakes, but I think the only real way to shorten some of those chases against decent players is to moonrush and tech

    Even if you lose the 50/50s, just seeing you do it will change their pathing and force more hesitance

  5. It's always good to remember that you're playing against humans on DBD. They will see a pattern and play around with their deadhard, you simple just don't insta deadhard.

    Killers are extremely easy to pattern play with. Example: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R9YKoMNn2Mg

    Always 'feel around' with your deadhard, look at the killer and categorize him into an 'insta swinger' 1'er, 2'er, 3'er etc. How many spins is the man going to respect??

  6. 7:04
    this is how we know she's not cheating, she is just a god tier survivor. Auto aim only activates when the killer swings and will always activate when the killer swings. Either a. she didn't use her dead hard here, or she used it as she went around the small obstacle. She baits it multiple times and fails. Tru3 said "hacker or a god gamer" to get views and it worked. I wanted to see if I could detect such hacks

  7. Also why does he call it startegy when going after someone he has hooked. Isn’t it just called being a weiner. He had multiple free hits he coulda got downs but still plays like wenie


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