Hacking Streamers Are Getting Out Of Control | Dead By Daylight

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So basically hacking in dbd is cringe but hacking and STREAMING IT!!?! Yikes.

Check me out on Twitch BlueDream47


21 thoughts on “Hacking Streamers Are Getting Out Of Control | Dead By Daylight”

  1. i know a streamer who uses cheats but the main reason he uses them is because hes sick of behaviours shit as he got falsely banned because he played casual in matches with his friend who had cheats. he said in one of his streams hes switching to casual but as of now hes taking his anger out doing this. i mean i would be pissed too because he spent hundreds of dollars for the characters and cosmetics and he was one of the first p100 nurses worldwide with kate at like p50. i kinda understand that its bad but i would probably do this if i had so much and lost it due to a false ban.

  2. I think people watch because its just interesting to see tbh. Like is it good gameplay? or skilled? no. But its interesting to see how a cheat and hack system works. Long term probably not but I understand the curiosity and interest in it and why they have viewers.

  3. I just don't get what's fun about this kind of a playstyle. You just speedrun the gens by doing 2 skillchecks and teleport around to mess with the others a bit. How do you get any satisfaction from anything when you're just skipping all of the gameplay and you get all of the "achievements" like winning a chase from the cheats like infinite Head On and speed hacks instead of actually being better and outplaying the opponent. How do you feel accomplished and proud of yourself like this? With blatant hackers who are just flying around doing funny stuff, I can sort of understand hacking because at least they are adding something fun to the game. But this guy isn't doing anything interesting or worth watching, he doesn't even get chased for more than 2 seconds.

  4. If you want to hop into the deep end and research the subject/farm more content, feel free to contact DBD Cheese livestreamer itself or any of us from the community. We have given interviews before as well, but only for content creators who are able to conversate without emotions. Check ''Choy''' videos regarding interviews if you are interested.

  5. I'm very sure that SkyFaction made a video on the dude's friend a while back who faked not knowing him and stuff, acting surprised about him being a cheater. I agree 100% with you, it's cringe. I don't use that word often but man, it's the only word fitting.

  6. I remember I’ve went against a blight that could throw hatchets. He had a good amount of followers and his bio was making fun of the fact that BHVR doesn’t crack down on hackers as harsh as they should. Shitty part is, he got banned on twitch. But not the game he was cheating on


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