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yes I think they should buff him because even if they reverted the trickster and huntress buffs I would say they should still buff him because he's the weaker of the 3
I think slinger is just fine the way he is. There’s ways that you can play around the weakness of his power.
freddy is so forgotten that desthslinger got a video first
As a slinger main I have noticed a lot of hate against him a lot in recent times and according to some people I have faced against is a
too powerful oppressive anti loop killer and worse than nurse according to some survivors. Which I don’t see because every time I face a slinger myself it’s really easy to loop him but that’s probably due to my experience with him but it’s real easy to beat him as he has no map pressure so you can easily gen rush him. Other than that I agree with your video that they definitely should reduce his terror radius to 24 meters again and possibly fix the buffer problem but then again might just lead to unfairness and frustration as that’s why they removed it in the first place but also fix the gun as on every other gun besides default it’s calibrated wrong and is just a little off meaning you have to change your aiming to hit some shots and fix a few lacking add ons other than that he’s a fine killer in my eyes to play and go against.
Ok this is gonna be a hot take but I think that slinger is not only fine where he his but better than huntress and especially trickster (but because we all know that im gonna just compare him to huntress).
So imo everything that huntress does deathslinger does better, even though huntress can hit you over pallets she takes way to long to aim her hatchets even with the buffs and deathslinger not only has better anti loop but gets a guaranteed injured state because of chain break and deathslinger can hit you through more holes because his projectile is smaller.
For long range I honestly dont consider this an option because huntresses hatchets are not only kinda slow but are very easy to spot and very loud and even though she has a 24 m tr she has a 40 m lulluby which is a dead give away that she is close and not only that but when she charges a hatchet her lullaby pauses which is way more of a give away that deathslingers noise cue (not to mention when in close range she makes a massive grunt noise when charging).
The best place that huntress operates imo is in medium ranges around 8-20m and this is where I think deathslinger is also better than her in because if huntress hits someone with her hatchet she is slowed down a bit and survivor gets alot of distance on her and could make it to a los blocker if unlucky, with deathslinger your able to reel them back in to you and can utilize m1 perks to catch up (e.g rapid, stbfl) plus he has a built in counter to endurance.
The only places where huntress does better than slinger imo is if the pallet is predropped to early against her and she gets a free down (which is kinda the survivors fault ngl this can be easily avoided), or if she pulls up a hatchet right behind a survivor and they have no cover but with current maps and me considering balancing around players that know what they are doing these scenerios are to few and far between to consider huntress a better character.
He is one of the more unique killers.
I kind of wish Dredge had some kind of ranged attack.
Deathslinger def needs a buff i was thinking abt maybe implenting something like legion's 5th hit maybe if u break from the chain twice u will go down or sm like that
I've Always Felt That Ever Since They Removed Quick Scoping, They Should Have Given Him Some Buffs To Compensate. I Would Say As A Slinger Main, One Of His Biggest Problem Is That He's The Only Ranged Killer That You Could Hold W On. Hear Me Out. He's 110%, He Has A 32 Meter Terror Radius, And His Redeemer Is Only 18 Meters. With These 3 In Mind It Makes It Incredibly Easy To Hold W Against This Killer That You Can't Do With Any Other Ranged Killer. Huntress Can Cross Map, Plague And Trickster Are 115%, And Artist Is Both 115% And Can Cross Map. Slinger? Best He Can Do Is Fake M2. You Can't Get In Range Quick Enough Or Quietly Enough To Counter Hold W.
I'm going to share my thoughts on this, first I have a theory bhvr has actually remembered slinger so what they did is in the most recent tomes and rift incentivized people to play slinger so they can see in their spreadsheet how slinger is doing l, because they don't play the game, they only read statistics, and because the average slinger will lose most if his games, I'm predicting that somewhere this year, there will be some slinger buffs.
So now my thoughts on slinger, first to say, I am a slinger main (most of my hour on dbd are on him), since I started playing dbd, I'll always stand for this, they should revert deathslinger, quickscoping was fine, as his chase is the only thing he has, he has no map mobility, so creating pressure through quick chases was what made deathslinger good, and he wasn't a top tier killer back then, at most he was a mid A tier killer, a very well balanced killer with an "unfun" power to go against, as to this day( and my knowledge) old deathslinger has been the only killer banned from 1v1 tournaments , even spirit,blight and nurse are allowed, as even by being the best survivor in the world the design of deathslinger was to have the best 1v1 power of the game.
Right now and this also applies to most ranged killers, Blight is just better, why would you have a easily ,dodgeable, being slow, have no map pressure, and when you hit your power, reel the survivor, and then the survivor gets stuck on a 2 cm rock, instead of playing blight which instead of having to reel survivors you just catch up to them and have amazing mobility and map pressure.
I could talk more about slinger but it would be too long to write, if you want to hear my long rant about slinger we can talk on discord if you want.
Personally, I don't feel you have to call design decisions "bad." You can call them out for what they are: Idiotic.
I think Deathslinger was the weakest of the ranged killers even before Trickster and Huntress got buffs. Now that they're both significantly more rewarding to play in the short term, it feels a little sluggish to play Slinger. He's my personal favorite of all the ranged killers and I'm better at him than I am at the others, but if Huntress lands a hatchet and the survivor gets away, it doesn't literally stun you for 2 seconds.
Huntress getting buffed was the biggest slap in the face to all m1 killers
I believe the best way to buff him, since this seems to be a "run around the pallet and run to next" type of game, is to make it so if you're injured and are STILL in deep wound while in chase, to make a second shot with the redeemer instantly down them, because running a downed pallet, even smaller unsafe loops is so easy and hitting your already audio cue shot has no reward for consistently hitting your shots, unlike Tricker with constant blade hits, and Huntress with double hatchets with unlimited range
I main Deathslinger and I don't ever take off Hex: Blood favor for the reasons you described. Honestly, if they aren't willing to revert back to a 24m terror radius, I'd really like to see his add-ons buffed.
The Wanted Poster and Jaw Smasher are essentially useless, the terror radius add-ons make very little sense with his new radius alerting survivors before you aim in, and the reeling speed add-ons really don't make a difference either.
I'd also like to see a buff to the mending add-ons, since Deathslinger could use more pressure on grouped up survivors imo.
Fact that he is 4.4 m/sec killer but has 32m radius is so ridiculous for me. They increased Pig's radius to standardize this shit, and then they did exact opposite with Slinger.
Also an Idea I had just as I watched this video. What if we give him quick scoping again, but make a system where he need to hold scope to charge his spear. And the longer you aim, the longer spear will fly. Kinda like Widow from Overwatch need to aim a little bit, to charge her rifle and deal a maximum damage
Even as a Huntress main I have to say that Deathslinger is the strongest ranged killer. His ability doesn't get soaked by every object on the map. In fact, I can land shots with Slinger that don't even make sense to try as Huntress. He has better synergy with more perks. Perks that cause exposed or rely on M1s, such as surge, don't even make sense to run on Huntress. He doesn't rely on locker placement to reload. His movement penalty for simply raising his weapon without using it isn't as severe. His movement while aiming is 3.3 as opposed to Huntress's 3.0 (base). As Huntress I've been forced to M1 because a surv chooses to run around a rock that's just large enough that if I raise a hatchet they break LoS before I can actually throw it.
Huntress needed a buff, but it had nothing to do with the number of hatchets. With all the movement and second chance perks floating around anymore, and all the clutter going onto maps Huntress needs to at least be at 3.3m/s base while aiming (same as Deathslinger). It doesn't even make sense to commit to orbitals because of all the trees on most maps.
I'm a P100 Deathslinger Main, and I mained him since after a few months he came out, now Slinger used to have a quick scoping ability and have a 24 meter terror radius, however they nerfed both of these things because he was absolutely miserable to go against especially the quick scoping cuz you realistically couldn't dodge the shot.
Bring back his 24 meter terror radius might sound like a good idea at first but back in the day a lot of Slingers ran Monitor & abuse to decrease his terror radius to 16 meters and shoot a survivor outside his terror radius without them knowing your coming because his speer goes at 18 meters long which means you couldn't react to him coming at you and it was miserable to face for a lot of people.
Nowadays I think people underestimate Deathslinger, he's actually a pretty decently strong killer sitting around a Mid to High B Tier level, he can zone you in most cases, especially with the cigar add-on, and in about almost 75% of tiles, slinger can just shoot over them and injure/down them and he can utilize basic attack perks such as Surge, Starstruck, NOED, Sloppy Butcher, etc, and getting an instadown on Slinger is real scary to face especially if you face really good one, and since you said weak, cuz he apparently is weaken at pallets which is false, god pallets like on The Game map yes he can't deal with those, safe loops he can deal with like on The Game map again in the security camera room those 2 pallet loops he can just shutdown completely if you have good aim, and he's not really map dependent either other than the big giant maps in this game, and he's isn't weak btw he's just not very easy to play as.
Want to tear my hair out with the amount of huntress matches. She's barely even punished for spamming hatches and missing half of them.
Slinger HAS to land his shots.
Kaiser I love you but please don't say Trickster's changes were buffs, his playrate has dropped by 33% (3% down to 1.9%) and his kill-rate even though it's narrowed down to his most dedicated players has dropped by 5% (57% down to 52%) In all practical and projected evidence he has been nerfed and got a rework that has made him feel homogenized.
Make him 115%. Idk, that could be broken.
I think the changes you mentioned would be fine for him. Maybe even changing him to 4.6m/s would be healthy as well.
If you wanna do that tho, I would like a nerf for both Huntress and Slinger. The zoning capabilities by just baiting your power can feel unfun for survivors. (Same with Demo, Pyramid Head)
Getting inacurate after moving, while holding your hatchet or aiming down sights for over 5 seconds would make that way more healthy.
In that way, people that wanna line up shots wouldnt be punished, but killers just following survs with their gun/ hatchet up would be.
In my opinion that would reward more risky gameplay which is way more fun on both sides.
Same with Pyramid head or Demo. They also need some slight adjustments where it takes a bit longer to go from special attack to basic, but thats another discussion.
the last thing I remember them doing to him was a nerf to his aiming
i think slinger inherently exists to be a lower-skill-cieling, lower-skill-floor version of huntress. because of how fast the spear shoots, how much more spaces you can fit it through, and how you don't have to "charge" it up to get its maximum velocity (which is the same as a full charged huntress hatchet), he's a lot easier to pick up for the first time and still get good results with, but because of his limited range and weakness with pallets, it limits him to using his spear as a chase tool and forcing him to just break pallets at tiles instead of playing around them, unlike huntress, in which you are offered more skill expression with mindgames and crazy shit like orbitals.
Ummmm, did y’all forget the reload buff that Deathslinger, Trickster, and Huntress got like a few months ago? Slinger is not forgotten…Nightmare and Dredge is tho
Huntress needed buffs cuz of her map dependency, she had the second lowest kill rates in the game, cuz of maps like The Game, RPD, GOJ, etc. she was struggling, and Trickster still isn’t strong, again cuz of map dependency, but with him being 115 he’s a little better at handling it now, Slinger needs some small buffs, his yellow add on that decreases reload time should be base kit and his terror radius should be reduced, he should be in a decent spot after that though
I think it's a little of column A and a little of column B. Slinger could probably use a small buff, and Trickster and Hunteress could use a small nerf. I'm sure this will happen eventually, sometime around 2035.
I disagree with 90% of things u said as a 1k hour Slinger main, the thing he needs to keep up with other killers is
1. 100% movement speed when realoading (its currently 66% wchich gives the survivors too much distance and kills his chase pressure half the time)
2. a addon pass cuz if ur not using warden's keys, ammo belt, cigar, tin oil can or the iri coin ur throwing so he basicly has no addons that actually do something and are well designed (LatexT a comp Slinger made a somewhat comprehensive addon pass wchich Im mostly a fan of)
3. 112.5% movement speed imo 115 would be way too much and I still want for this leg brace to have a lore explenation for beeing there
4. 28 meter terror radius cuz a 24 meter terror radius would bring back a Slinger that could shoot you outside of his tr range wchich would be unfun for the survivor side
Thats just my opinion as a 1k hours Slinger main (I have 1.4k hours in dbd total Ive fell in love with Slinger very early on) and as a person who deeply enjoys his gameplay but I think that those changes would make him a feared killer like he should be, good day. (btw the auditory warning like the ringing sound that survivors get is currently bugged and doesnt play for whatever reason)
People used to insta dc as soon as they heard the first shot fired before they got rid of quick scopes. You could just fire into the air as soon as you load in and already be in a 3v1
I am a slinger main in my personal opinion he needs to be buff. The problem with slinger is unlike the other range killers. If he does miss, he gets severely punished for it because he has to reload and catch up while being 110 not only that his radius doesn’t allow him to sneak up, like he used to factor that with some of his add-ons being absolutely useless he needs buff
If I was to make a recommendation for behavior, I would say buff the reload time reduce tear radius and also find the middle ground with quick scoping. You know don’t make it too fast. But don’t make it as slow as it is now. And rework his add-ons he needs them to be reworked. Many of them are basically useless. If you wanna have the best time with Slinger, you have to run double reload just fix them.
Here’s the thing: we can buff Deathslinger without buffing him to Huntress/Trickster tier.
I’d be fine with that, personally. There’s plenty of room to tweak his kit to accomplish that.
You could give him a secondary fire that deals damage on hitting with the spear, but only works on wounded Survivors.
You could make his chain stronger on wounded survivors, or after he’s landed a certain number of spear hits, or increase the range after X spear hits, kinda like Nemesis.
There’s room to make him better but not oppressive, and I think Behaviour should aim for that.
I would be perfectly fine if slinger never got any buffs, as he is, he's still my favorite killer to play and I personally have to disagree with the whole "he can't deal with pallets". Often times I find myself not needing to break any pallets outside of god pallets like shack. Granted I do run coup de grace and that carries the pallet counterplay a bit, but that perk in general feels amazing on him. Now I did say I would be happy if slinger stayed the way he is, but I also would like to see his terror radius reverted to 24 purely because so much of how he was made (addons, niche features, the fact he lacks a lullaby) makes it really clear that he's supposed to be the stealthy ranged killer. Outside of that, all he really needs is an addon pass and I could go on a whole rant about a hypothetical addon pass but TLDR make Wardens Keys base kit and take his more boring addons (like all of his anti healing addons and the addons that effectively do nothing like the jaw smasher) and just make them a little spicy.
Personally I don't want deathslinger to be changed. He is fine enough where he is. Add ons could definetly do with some improvements but apart from that I think he shouldn't be touched. Not only is he in a good spot imo but I fear changing him will do to him what is happening to the game itself. It will become boring. The charecters skill dealing will be lowered it will be made more accessible for new players and it will make the charecter super sweaty. Deathslinger is in a spot where he isn't super difficult to learn and has a good skill cap but he is also not good enough and is too hard to use for him to be a sweaty character. In conclusion don't touch him the potential for behaviour to ruin the character is way too high. Behaviour has lost all good faith when it comes to changing or fixing killers because plain and simple they are incompetent. The charecter is loved by the community as he is for a reason and it's not worth risking it to make him a little bit stronger.
Buff Nurse
I believe he has a sound when aiming at you but in all my years playing this game I never once heard it so I don't know the point in keeping it.😅
Deathslinger is fine as is. A thing people don't get is that not every killer can be good simply cuz their kit doesn't allow for it. Deathslinger isn't even weak, he's just average or slightly better then average. Plus any buff he'd get would make him too oppresive in chase, which is something he already excels at.
'Has behaviour forgotten Slinger' is an interesting question to ask after he just got his own rift lol. I personally think they're happy with slinger and so am I personally, hes unique and satisfying in a 1v1 chase. Yeah, his 1v4 is rough, but I'd rather some diversity and uniqueness in the game rather than every killer kill at the same rate and feel samey, you know?
Singer I feel can't snow ball like the other ranged killers having him be in the line with the others makes sense to me.
I'm cool with quick scopeing being gone but like you said the audio for aiming at some one has to go it needs to be one or the other imo
deathslinger main here
i can get that he is weaker than other ranged killers and i mostly agree with the points made here but i actualy noticed that with terror radius perks (preferably the one of the plague) i got a lot more succes and even made it to irredecent with it
but yea he needs to get buffed
The problem with 24m terror radious is moniter and abuse. It puts him at 16m tr with 18m ranged attack. He actually use to be 24m terror radious and was changed for this reason
Slinger is my favorite and he can feel one of the worst to play. When ping is slightly off, I've lost count of how many times a survivor buffers a pallet drop or they get stuck on something completely nonsensical like the side of a round tree while reeling.
Imo his main upside is that he synergizes really well with basic attack perks unlike the other ranged killers. He could use some love, I'm just not sure what kind exactly.
I disagree with most of this.
1. While I understand the terror radius reduction idea old slinger's 24m felt very unfair at times because old "stealth slinger" was just monitor and abuse, no other perks or addons needed and he could shoot you without any warning at all if he knew his range well and if he didn't then Marshalls badge(addon) gives your an extra 4m to guarantee it. Also "stealth slinger" isn't dead at all, at 6:25 you mention the noise notification of his aiming at a survivor "even if your undetectable" this is not factually correct, the noise notification only plays when you are aimed at IN his terror radius, its on the wiki, but if you have had a different experience in game its probably a bug and not a feature, Very BHVR.
2.Most amazing deathslingers can get hits at most pallet loops after the drop if they play it properly making pallets not as bad as you think, its more of a learned skill (given it might be a really hard one) than a shortcoming of his kit. Just shooting over pallets isn't how you beat them with deathslinger making him different than huntress and trickster which might make him seem worse than them because he can't brute force them, but doesn't mean he can't play around them very efficiently (except god pallets, which an excess of is a map issue not a deathslinger issue).
3. I'm not sure if you were around for deathslinger release but he had a major zoning problem just by existing when he could quickscope, creating very little counterplay and letting him zone and walk you down while maintaining 110% ms due to just the threat of a shot. Kinda the same issue people have with current Xeno, with almost no warning just having to guess the power at loops and hoping you were right and the dodge you just did didn't just give them a free m1.
I just feel like when deathslinger is talked about its often with the idea of, "just because amazing deathslinger players can do x, that doesn't mean its part of his kit" when I disagree with that, if skilled play is capable of removing his weaknesses than why do we mention them as such. Its like saying Billy/Blight/Wesker is weak at loops because you can't curve or hug tech well. (Rip Blight)
P.S even if we disagree, having creators who are encouraging of open dialog about the game is amazing and keep up the great work.