Hateful TTV Wishes DEATH On Players – Dead By Daylight

Read more Dead by Daylight ➜ https://deadbydaylight.mgn.gg


Here’s the link to the TikTok, be sure to show some love and support to Sleexpyy! https://www.tiktok.com/@slexqyy/video/7069855373745835269?is_from_webapp=1&sender_device=pc&web_id=7075000596922893866

More dramatic entitled TTVs


49 thoughts on “Hateful TTV Wishes DEATH On Players – Dead By Daylight”

  1. I play on an old console so when any in game event takes place I will lose all semblance of frames and the game will freeze for like .7 seconds. I've had to completely stop playing killer due to this bug as I had begun hate mailing and screaming at my monitor like I did a decade ago… Due to the game I want to play not being optimized for my experience. Smfh

  2. spooks I did it! I got called the hard F word, a hacker, and the N word so I reported them and within 30 minutes their channel was taken down. I must have not been the only one reporting them. made me happy so just wanted to share.

  3. Spook has me literally dying when he points out how actually stupid his complaints. This is when entitlement hits its peak. You are suppose to give him hooks or play the games the way he wants???

  4. I was a few years ago greatly aggressive and mad. Never wished death or cancer tho. But I wad really mad. Later I became very mad at myself cuz I could've done sth better, killer only. Now I am mad at devs whenever I see cowshed or groaning storehouse with 4-5 loops with pallets and windows either next to each other. These loops existed in 2016.

    One more thing. Will you do some videos of players complaining about rpd map? I wanna see an issue with it and why people actually hate it. Size and number of corridors is not an excuse, since this map has no other random render of rooms.

  5. only 3 mins into the vid and i’m already laughing so much. that dude is so delusional he really thinks survivors are toxic for not standing still and giving him free downs LMAOOOO WTF. also his voice jeez no wonder he plays deathslinger

  6. 5:10 i love the amount of times he mentions DS even when it hasn’t been used. literally the equivalent of survivors complaining about noed after a match when it didn’t even get to be used. like what lmao that doesn’t even make any fucking sense. if you’re gonna complain about a perk at least complain about one that’s been used tf?

  7. I used to watch yer content, but I did some fanart for ya and you didn't even acknowledge it. It hurt my I will be honest, I wasn't expecting much… maybe just a thank you… cause I used to enjoy the vids you released. Wish ya the best, cheers.

  8. I mean, as a Deathslinger main after a nerf, getting myself onto map like this makes me think about same stuff and be in the same rage, but I kinda… still can go over it, analyse my mistakes and go on? Like… bruh…

  9. Let's be honest, it's not only dead by daylight, other online games have this thing as well, there is many people needing therapy , hell i even need therapy for my anger issues, i don't wish people death or anything but still, it's so sad that this gets more common and common as the time goes.

  10. Had a YouTuber streamer accusing me for hacking had I think he was insane, swearing at me calling me names and trolling purposely dying because he didn't get his way and then accused his teammates for being bad. 😅😂 People be pyscho 🙄

  11. Yesterday i played my killer Trickster and had a bad time. Had quite a few escapes from survivors and I got in my head and was worse. I never once blamed a survivor for my shitty gameplay. I blamed myself (i have 257ish hours). And when the gens would be done Id just open the game and let them go. Id get some confused movement from survivors and a nod from them. Id let them go and gg, carry on to next game. I had good games and a lot of bad ones. But yea, dont blame the other party.
    I will say, granted i lack a lot of killers and perks and i make with what i can.

  12. Now i main Deathslinger, and i can tell when this guy is using him as a crutch. I get it that he’s generally easy to play, as his performance is based on your skill. But if you look at him play he takes the loops so wide and shit. He couldn’t play Trapper or Billy because those take something known as “skill” which he clearly does not have.

  13. I love what spook said on minute 1:15 and the he gave an example and the funniest part is that survivors do get mad when a killer uses it's power and they say they are "abusing" it, like bro that's literally all the killer has and as spook said is like telling the survivors to stop using pallets or vaulting windows

  14. Shit I get pissed all the time. I hate perks like Dead Hard/ Barrow Time/ Boon Totem/ Adrenaline/ DS! But I use those same perks for my survivor builds. Shit I think people are allowed to get pissed as long as they don’t use that anger against other people. That’s all I’m saying


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