Hating DBD & Playing Anyways | Dead by Daylight

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#dbd #commentary #rant

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►Video Song: White Bat Audio – Recovery
►Ending Song: FSM Team – Eternal Spring

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27 thoughts on “Hating DBD & Playing Anyways | Dead by Daylight”

  1. I never thought about it like that, I always considered that most if not a large number or players which claim to hate the game don't actually hate it just like to say they do because its cool and popular to hate on the game and the devs. This isn't just a dbd thing though you find it in other games too.

  2. interesting theory to say the least.. that may very well be the case. however i would say Otz, Oh Tofu, and Scott are not like that at all and their viewer count is very high.

    i always looked at it as love from the same bar not connection. the kind of love you have to that one family member that cant get it together and is going down hill but you just cant abandon because you love them. so you try and give them advise and hope they will do better giving them chance after chance always saying you are done helping until they show up at the door again in the rain.

  3. Most of the playerbase don't know or play anything else. When Alan Wake was announced most people were like who is this white writer man, lmao. Thank god i can find enjoyment in other games since i stopped playing dbd

  4. DBD is basically a toxic relationship, where the are no winners on streets of salt. Then there's me the type that mains killer and occasionally plays survivor doesn't get mad when lose because hey its just game 😅

  5. I wish more DBD Content Creators would be better role models. Some don't realize how much influence their videos and content can cause. Some are amazing like You, Otz, and some more but a lot lack self awareness and don't realize that especially for Build videos, people are going to try them.

    I always felt like most people and this isn't just DBD, but I feel like people refuse to self reflect a lot. Even asking yourself questions like, "Why do I feel this way? What is "Fun" to me? Is it realistic? What do I enjoy about this?" And understanding your own place in the game and how you do not represent one side or the whole community really opens up your mind.

    Personally I despise Head On. I personally have used it and don't find it fun, I find it to be more of a Bully Perk than an altruistic perk especially if they bring Dead Dawg or something and people who main Head On in my experience tend to be in a mindset where their fun is based on how miserable they make the other side.

    Should they remove it? Should they nerf it? Should they make it token based?

    Nope. Just because I personally dislike something and have my own experiences doesn't mean I speak for EVERYONE in the community and that everyone who uses it has an entitled mindset. Even then the problem isn't the perk. Its the person's mindset behind the screen.

    So I do wish people would self reflect on their own views. You're not weak for questioning yourself, we are all flawed individuals. You can absolutely change to be a healthier person to yourself and others around you! 😊

  6. This is such a shit take calling people sad and miserable for voicing the displeasure they have on a game they are passionate about. Then you say they are doing it for click bait and to increase sub count? Maybe a lot of people who have been here since the beginning feel the same way and can relate to what the person is saying.
    The only reason I even stay on this shit game is because no other game has my iconic slashers. The very second another game has Myers, Freddy, Pinhead, SAW, and other slashers in them is the day I quit DBD, and I will celebrate if they actually make the game fun and enjoyable for both sides.
    SBMM has made this game so unfun, you cannot just throw on any kind of build and have fun with it unless you are low mmr pub stomp trash status.
    In DBD you throw on a fun build at mid-high mmr and just get fucked until you get knocked down where the "fun builds" work only because the people you are going against suck.
    If you are one of those who try to say mmr does not exist in DBD, I will put it polite as possible: MMR exists for those who have the ability to climb it.
    You can lose by default depending on the killer you play which is why we have almost no variety in DBD.
    You can lose by default depending on the map you get, and this goes for both survivor and killer. One match you get a map with nearly nothing in it and the next you get a map that is safe around every corner.
    We are here because this game does not have one worthy competitor and those who did try to compete did not even put in an effort to make a good game.

  7. My personal reason for being basically everything you mentioned in the first 50 seconds of the video is that I've spent way too much time on this game. Too much money, too. It's the one game I'm good at. It's sad but it's true. Been here since 2018 and when I drop it, I eventually come back. This game is an addiction for me and I experience my own sort of withdrawals when away from the game for more than a week. I have a genuine problem. I say that this is the one game I'm really good at but even that's a lie. It's genuinely sad that the only thing I'm even somewhat good at and enjoy is something that is mentally taxing for me. No other games interest me aside from dbd and I think that's a big problem for me.

  8. I agree that what you said is half of it. I think the other half is the Sunken Cost fallacy. Which is basically the more time you put into something the Harder it is to abandon it even if it would be beneficial.

  9. I never hated the game, just some players. But I do wonder….why some people play this game? Because I see a lot of survivors DCing the moment they go down and it’s SO RANDOM. I had a match against a Pig, got hooked 2 times in a row, almost died to the bear trap and with 1 gen left one survivor goes down and DC instantly….why? If you don’t want to play it just don’t

  10. A lot of what you talked about reminds me of a debate I had with Kaiser the other day. I was in their chat complaining about MMR rubber banding. But I wasn’t looking for someone to tell me I was right, and Kaiser did in fact tell me I was wrong. It felt much better to realize I was wrong and shift my perspective rather than think I was right and hate the game.

  11. I think the problem comes from a few factors

    1. Survivors look at there objective from a 1v1 perspective where as a killer looks at it from a 1v4 perspective

    2. In all honesty dbd isn’t a skillfull game it’s more just about your muscle memory .

    Example of this huntress for example is one of the least skillful killers out there

    Let me explain if your at loops where basically she can throw over there’s lil to no counter play , u try and loop the pallet she pulls the hatchet , if u drop the pallet she gets a hit from your lock animation all she has to do is step back guaranteed hit , if u hold w she can either pull it down and hit u or she can hit u with the hatchet , even if u duck cause of the huntress hit boxes it can hit you still

    All huntress comes down to is if the huntress can aim and even then several loops she doesn’t even need that she just needs to wait for an animation to get a hit.

    What about that is skillful ? Nothing only thing you can say is her aim but this is same equivalent to a hook grab when it was a thing

    Another example if your in loop the killer can’t throw over she can force u. A direction and hit u through the cracks what skill expression is that? When half to go there ? Obviously u can be self aware like no shit but even then it’s still not all that skillful it shows
    That projectile killers really aren’t meant for the game.

    A lot of killer in this game kinda ignore the concept of the game projectile killers r examples of this
    Nurse is another , and so is trapper and hag , the counter play for a lot killer requires u to actually have comes or basically u follow the killer the whole game and disarm there traps .but even then in chase set down trap middle of pallet u half to break away

    And I think this causes people to get really annoyed and agitated a lot of time

    ( with that being said I understand there counter play and what not buteven then there not really enjoyable) I want to loose
    I don’t mind but at least have skill not bs 💀like I camp at 5 gens ect ect

    3. I think it’s also from the lack of variety the game has in killer types , there’s really only long range killers , speed killers , zone killers / trap / and stealth

    Although there powers r all differently objectively at the end of the day the still function the same mechanically (if u understand what I mean not worded the best )

    4. Mmr also is just the other contributor

    5. The player as a whole is a problem

    If I have.bp boost on my server in any category Ik I can’t play that role , because if it’s a survivor with the bp incentive I’m only going against killers who r playing like dicks against casual talking tunneling at 5 gens , sweat builds ect ect , and my team for most part will be lucky to get 2 gens done because there that bad

    But when I play as killer with the bp incentive it’s just heavy heavy heavy swf who use broken stuff and (yes I look at profiles before I play cause I want to know )

    The community as a whole don’t understand when to relax and just tone stuff down based upon there levek

    For example if I’m playing against babies I’m not gonna just tunnel and camp because I understand the skill level and I want to make it more fair , otherwise your not even playing for win your just playing because u like the feel of a power trip

    Now obviously if your wanting to win and it’s like 2 gens left sure u can turn it up a bit no problem but a lot people can’t distinguish when to tone it down and when not 2

    6. I think also just comes down to the devs not understanding there game and making it worse at times and not listening to the community because of there own egos but to be fair they have significantly improved tbh

    I think all this equates to why people just aren’t enjoying the game , but I think the game has addictive elements to it as well as people like the thrill of being chased by a killer or just knowing a killer is after them , it’s like the same thing for a horror movie we watch it why ? Because it gives us a thrill makes r adrenaline spike and we want that rush

    But that’s just my opinion

  12. I think you are right here. Though I think the streamer/content creator who pains the game as all bad fulfills needs on both the sense of belonging and self-esteem levels. They establish the belonging with a group that accepts them then move into self-esteem by accomplishing wins or the viewers/fans agreeing with takes on how the game is bad, finding and pointing out new ways in which it is bad, and putting themselves above Behavior and those who work on the game.

    They can put down the game devs as not knowing what they are doing, stating they could make the game better if they had the power, and get that acknowledged and reciprocated. It feeds into both and builds up as the pyramid shows us. So yeah. It's a very strong sociological and psychological drive to create a community with common ground and acceptance, then building oneself up with these ideas of uniqueness and accomplishment that, according to their own framing, is extremely difficult but they are the ones who see the truth and win against all odds.

    Good video.

  13. I think in my opinion that people like the core gameplay mechanics and want to see the game succeed. Very few games have the life cycle of dbd or even the liscences. Its unique from that perspective. But then you have the developers changing perks and characters who don't need a change. Invisible walls to stop certain techs. MMR which makes most games feel sweaty or force you to play a certain way with meta builds when you want to try out other builds. This causes the community that want to see the game continue to succeed and flourish to complain and exclaim their grievances. Not to go after people, its to help the game succeed by informing the devs of the problems in the game. The community feels like they are being ignored. Streamers and fog whisperers feel ignored and a lot of people are straight up leaving because they feel that they can't talk up and end up choosing to set the game aside and give up on it. Otz has talked about cutting much of his helpful videos because he feels the devs aren't looking at them and doing anything. Demi complained about the head developer talking about MMR and comparing it to hockey and got his twitch shirt taken away which led him to realise that they dont want people to speak out about them, leading him to leave it mid hardcore survivor series. The main take-away I feel from all this, is the fact that people aren't complaining for the sake of it in most cases. Theres usually a reason for it. FTP-BUCKLE up has being a problem yet theres no mention of nerfing it. Off the Record bug, not kill switched and not mentioned when it will be fixed. Freddy and Myers in need of a re-work but due to their kill stats they are seen to be in a perfect position by devs. These are notable grievances, not complaints. Feel as though the main problem is people feeling ignored

  14. Thank you! I just thought of this. Everybody hates this game and let's it ruin their mental state but will still play it the next day. At that point they should stop complaining and just accept the game will never get better.

  15. I think DBD is a great game, and BHVR doing great (even sometimes they do some odd decision), but overall the game is great but I hate those people, those make the game sometimes feel terrible…

  16. I love the game. I love playing the game. I hate the way the community is, and THAT is what frustrates me.

    It's not the game, it's not the gameplay, and it's not the frustration IN the game. It's the community being absolute dicks half the time and whining half the other time.


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