"Yes, I forgot to change my name and have spoiled a future video. Whoops!" If I haven't read that I would have never checked if it was you or a survivor. My disappointment is immesurable and my day is ruined.
Damn the killer doing what the killer does? And the survivor not doing what the survivor should be doing and surviving? And then blaming the killer for it? Zamn, this really is dead by daylight
I think the 'shady lol' was to the fact that you knew where he was in the exit gates. Which, if that's true, it baffles me how little people know about any perk in the game if they play only survivor.
"Could have let me crawl" There's a lot of things you could do to make things more fair for that survivor. Brought no perks. Turned your monitor off. Played with only your feet.
You know, I am actually that killer they all want to see – I let people crawl out instead of hooking them, I give hatch, I randomly let people go because I liked their altruism, I don't hook twice in a row because I don't want people to be out of the game too quickly…and they still shit on me in endgame chat. Either because they think they outplayed me when I very clearly let them go, or because I had the audacity to actually follow my objective in the game and kill someone. You just can't win. Don't get me wrong, I'm not terribly bothered by it. I just think it's funny how weird the social balance in this game is.
“Could’ve let me crawl” gah I’m sick and tired of survivors thinking killers owe them an escape, like newsflash bro we’re killers. Our job is to kill. Don’t be a a killer Karen.
He could have left and he didnt. And he still felt entitled to escape.
Oh no, the killer killed…
“Should of let me crawl” sweetie even if he let you crawl the timer would run out anyways
"Shady" Lol what? What was so shady…? The fact you played the game?
"Yes, I forgot to change my name and have spoiled a future video. Whoops!" If I haven't read that I would have never checked if it was you or a survivor. My disappointment is immesurable and my day is ruined.
The killer kills, shady.
Damn the killer doing what the killer does? And the survivor not doing what the survivor should be doing and surviving? And then blaming the killer for it? Zamn, this really is dead by daylight
I think the 'shady lol' was to the fact that you knew where he was in the exit gates. Which, if that's true, it baffles me how little people know about any perk in the game if they play only survivor.
OH YESSSS, the survi main that thinks the killer have to leave him go cuz it's just OP that you could kill him
This is a fake Benjo, he's not using mad grit
Nice edit man!!
"Could have let me crawl" There's a lot of things you could do to make things more fair for that survivor. Brought no perks. Turned your monitor off. Played with only your feet.
Bro that sound when you hit him with the chainsaw in the beginning was scary
"Babysit me, killer "
I've never seen a youtuber using the shadows addon and I feel slightly validated
Honestly he actually had 3 chances to leave – Blood Warden ran out just before you got to him, and he ran in the opposite direction
You know, I am actually that killer they all want to see – I let people crawl out instead of hooking them, I give hatch, I randomly let people go because I liked their altruism, I don't hook twice in a row because I don't want people to be out of the game too quickly…and they still shit on me in endgame chat. Either because they think they outplayed me when I very clearly let them go, or because I had the audacity to actually follow my objective in the game and kill someone. You just can't win.
Don't get me wrong, I'm not terribly bothered by it. I just think it's funny how weird the social balance in this game is.
benjo should join syn so he can learn the flickbilly ways
…. so, literally, door was open. He was rescued, full healed, blood warden was not up… and yet he stayed because… reasons?
something is wrong with your build
"could of" let me crawl
No, I don't think so.
How dare you not giving him the third chance? 😂
Why do people stand in the exit gates with blood warden? Do they litterally not know what the perk does?
“Could’ve let me crawl” gah I’m sick and tired of survivors thinking killers owe them an escape, like newsflash bro we’re killers. Our job is to kill. Don’t be a a killer Karen.
1 hook before end game lol
"Could of let me crawl."
Are Survs really still surprised that the Killer is, you know, killing? Great Vid as always Benjo ❤
They were hiding in the exit gate while blood warden was active 😐
…some people's mind
I would pay to have at least one of these survivors in every game, instead I get the A-team SWF voice comms squad at the lowest rank in the game.
I don’t understand why survivors chill at the exit gates.
Ah yes, bloodwarden is active. Let's hide inside the gates what can go wrong?
M2 only trapper: That's now how the game is played!
Should've responded with
"Could've left"
Him trolling on the comments is funny cuz that’s something I’d say after messing around lol 😂
Player entitlement is incredible!
awesome vid bro
That was his mistake
I will start typing "You could let me kill yourself" after all my killer matches.
That Claudette saw her chance to leave and took it
Claudette is smart
Be like Claudette
The t1 discordance. Bygone of a forgotten age.
Earlier today I was playing pinhead and they ggez'd me for bringing franklins, istg survivors 8)
One thing to know just read
People play with blood warden? It's still a thing? Huh