He had 2 chances to leave – Dead By Daylight

Read more Dead by Daylight ➜ https://deadbydaylight.mgn.gg

Yes, I forgot to change my name and have spoiled a future video. Whoops!
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44 thoughts on “He had 2 chances to leave – Dead By Daylight”

  1. "Yes, I forgot to change my name and have spoiled a future video. Whoops!" If I haven't read that I would have never checked if it was you or a survivor. My disappointment is immesurable and my day is ruined.

  2. Damn the killer doing what the killer does? And the survivor not doing what the survivor should be doing and surviving? And then blaming the killer for it? Zamn, this really is dead by daylight

  3. I think the 'shady lol' was to the fact that you knew where he was in the exit gates. Which, if that's true, it baffles me how little people know about any perk in the game if they play only survivor.

  4. You know, I am actually that killer they all want to see – I let people crawl out instead of hooking them, I give hatch, I randomly let people go because I liked their altruism, I don't hook twice in a row because I don't want people to be out of the game too quickly…and they still shit on me in endgame chat. Either because they think they outplayed me when I very clearly let them go, or because I had the audacity to actually follow my objective in the game and kill someone. You just can't win.
    Don't get me wrong, I'm not terribly bothered by it. I just think it's funny how weird the social balance in this game is.

  5. “Could’ve let me crawl” gah I’m sick and tired of survivors thinking killers owe them an escape, like newsflash bro we’re killers. Our job is to kill. Don’t be a a killer Karen.


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