Healing mid-chase with Built to Last | Dead by Daylight

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A follow-up video to yesterday’s Underrated Perk showcase of the perk Built to Last. This time we’re using it on a powerful medkit and a disgustingly strong key.

00:00 Medkit game
10:24 Key Blood Amber game

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Thumbnail 3D render by the lovely Ev3ntic:


31 thoughts on “Healing mid-chase with Built to Last | Dead by Daylight”

  1. I never try builds like these. I often got called sweaty or things like that and my build is a fking meme ( alert , dark sense , babysitter , breakdown ) to stalk the killer. Most killers think I have object since they can see me because who would run babysitter you know. this is why I promoted to iron will ds dh unbreakable.

  2. You coul do a video with a 'Saviour' build that has Breakout and Mettle of man, and 2 other perks that goes well with them, like the one that breaks hooks and spine chill to be able to break the hook after being hit in a bodyblock in front of a hook. Just a suggestion for a video 🙂
    Love your stuff.


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