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Dead by Daylight creating some intense pressure with two simple killers, Legion and Clown! Hope you all Enjoy!

I hope you all are ready! Sit back and enjoy some Survivor massacre! Hope the dbd, dbd mobile Dead by daylight mobile, and dead by daylight crossplay communities all love the survivor gameplay and Rank 1 Legion and Rank 1 Clown Gameplay!
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#dbd #Clown #DeadbyDaylight #redsgaminggears #BHVR #Legion


23 thoughts on “HERE COMES THE PRESSURE – Dead by Daylight”

  1. Thoughts on Hex: Ruin / Call of Brine / Pop Goes the Weasel on the same build? Maybe toss in Hex: Undying or Sourge Hook: Pain Resonance.

    Ruin and kinda hurts Pop/Brine early, but if they're searching for Ruin, that's less time on gens, at least.

  2. I like Legion but I LOVE the Clown game play and build! My personal preference is switching Dead Man's for Agitation because the terror radius increase, the speed increase and because Clown can speed up himself with a yellow bottle. I find it hilarious to B-line it to someone forever away and hook near them then chase the next Starstruck survivor. It feels like a meme build that does work

  3. Can anyone confirm this for me please.

    The other day I played as clown, I knocked down the last survivor at the gate in Gideons meat plant. The hook was further than normal because i used closest one for the survivor prior, I had this idea to throw the yellow bottle at a midway point between where i picked up the survivor and the hook. I carried the survivor, got invigorated and actually made it to the hook. My question is this, does the yellow bottle also increase your movement speed while carrying a survivor? I couldnt exactly tell bc of the wiggling effects. If we could do a comparison video that would also be nice.

  4. The hatch is too fucking free. Its suck. You put in all the work and they get to escape for free. That shits dumb af. I swear the devs have that shit spawn on survivors. Sry RED had to vent a bit! Ggs bro, you still my fav killer to watch


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