HES DOING THE CROUCH TECH! – Dead by Daylight!

Read more Dead by Daylight ➜ https://deadbydaylight.mgn.tv

Broadcasted live on Twitch — Watch live at https://www.twitch.tv/tru3ta1ent


30 thoughts on “HES DOING THE CROUCH TECH! – Dead by Daylight!”

  1. So in a way, Truetalent's tournament would be like baseball. The team's score is based on their killer's performance while the survivors do their best to prevent the enemy killer from getting points.

    Important question to figure out is how survivor gameplay contributes to the team's points. Otherwise, what's stopping a survivor team from actively forcing the enemy killer to tunnel so they snuff out his points?

  2. Interesting idea with the points system, but that looks like it’s just a “see who’s the best killer” side of things. I can imagine that being a good tactic with a control group of solo survivors, so that each killer goes against the same team and therefore gets a fair & comparable score.
    You could ask for some reasonably good survivor players to volunteer, then for each bracket select a group of 4 players from those volunteers. You could keep the survivors consistent enough for scoring while preventing them from getting too acclimated to playing together. Have the survivors join 4 separate voice channels on a dedicated Discord channel to keep player interaction and co-operation in check, but definitely permit communicating with in-game gestures and items such as flashlights and map markers. Whichever killer player performs best (most points) against these survivors would win the bracket & move on in the tournament.

  3. Literally started watching around 2015 on twitch. Then when I got to uni I mostly watched your YouTube. Even now. As I’m a few months from graduation. I STILL come back to watch your vids for a game that I don’t even play. You’ve got a quality, sir. You’ve got something that makes people want to watch you. It’s been nothing short of an absolute blessing getting to watch you learn and grow over these few years.

  4. Maybe for chases, a descending scoring system for Killer and an ascending scoring system for Survivor could be used.
    – For Killer, I figure 45 seconds is a baseline, and chases that end in each interval of 15s are scored downwards; Between 45-30s chase is 1 point, 30-15s is 2 points, and under 15s is 3 points. Anything over 45s is given no points, and chases must result in a down to score.
    -For Survivor, I figure 15s is a baseline, and chases that end in each interval of 15s are scored upwards; Between 15-30s is 1 point, 30-45s is 2 points, and over 45s is 3 points. Anything under 15s is given no points, and the chase ends when the Survivor is downed or the Killer switches targets.

  5. I don't think it would be fair for the tournament to force players to all always use the same perks. I get he wants to force out the raw skill rather than game mechanic abuse, but just enforcing DS and ruin should be enough. Part of the skill comes from giving yourself a strong build.

  6. I agree with every rule but that not cleansing ruin thing nah fam ruin has 300% regression my guy. A 100% regression will be fine but 300 is just too much. Watch every nurse/spirit/Freddy/blight absolutely destroy every group of survivors that stand in their path! In order for the survivors to win they need to go for 1 min chases and we all know at high level either the survivor won't last for long or if the survivor manage to stay alive and are in a good position the killer would simply leave the surv and imagine having a fucking 3 Gen with RUIN FUCK THAT would be impossible to win unless the killer is a dumbass and leaves the area


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