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In this video I provide you with some gameplay using the Buffed Knight! I showcase a hex build that brought some INSANE value this match. I hope you enjoy the video and thanks for watching (:
intro 0:00
Build Explanation 0:25
Gameplay 1:17
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Knight video?! Also surprised they didn't immediately cleanse ruin. What a lucky totem spawn at your three gen.
So far I’ve found information perks really work well now with knight since you can jumpscare spawn guards on top of them. Having the add on that lets you spawn assassin twice in a row has allowed me to get a lot of guaranteed hits and even downs. Pretty good in my opinion.
I do like Knight. He was in my top 10, now I would say my top 5 fav killer. Btw You could made ur guard kick gens so it would lose 5%
Can you play some onyro?
Change Jolt with Haunted ground and you'll get some pretty spicy plays. I've tried it and when it works it feels great xD
Great video btw ! You earned a subscriber. The chill music in the background makes it very vibey with your sweet voice
Knight sucks… worsest killer ever… but is soooo coool
You can try face the darkness instead of ruin or jolt. It will help a lots for knowing surs position outside your terror radius so you can send them there. It also turn on and off so it is not easy to be destroyed. The scream also cancel their action too
the thumbnail says it all. nobody wants to play against shit like this, its taking the gen rush meta too far in the opposite direction