HIGH MMR IN SOLO IS FUN! – Dead by Daylight!

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46 thoughts on “HIGH MMR IN SOLO IS FUN! – Dead by Daylight!”

  1. Huh, I think Tru3 is being a bit too fast to judge VHS off of one small bit of gameplay. There are already things in the gameplay that clearly show balance for both sides, with the Teens having to deal the full amount with each Stigma to win instead of only focusing on one Stigma and particular weapons, as well as the fact that the teens have to go to specific stations on the map for each Stigma which makes it obvious where they have to go for each Stigma they max out on the Monster.

    If he has questions or concerns, he should go to their Discord and ask the devs because they are very honest and transparent…you know, unlike BHVR.

  2. The new mmr is mostly boring. Like I either only get good surv and killer gets gen rushed or the survivors are just bad or the killer tunnels and camps. Only a few games are actually balance in terms of skill and fun because of that. Other than that I get one extreme after another.

  3. Agreed, I love playing vs a killer who is playing the map and 1v4. It isn't any fun to just get tunneled and proxy camped to be tunneled again off the hook and killed. The game isn't even fun at that point. Even if I loop him for 5 gens and get satisfaction from ruining his game I don't get to work on gens or get saves myself so the game just isn't fulfilling and I don't get the pip. I wish all killers would play balanced like this. I'd rather die after a fun, well balanced match then live and not pip because of tunneling.

  4. I personally hate sbmm because i dont like playing sweaty people (whether surv or killer) because i like to play casually and run builds that i like about 99% of the time…we dont talk about the 1%

    Edit: to clarify i dont like it bc i get alot more sweaty people with sbmm, not because i get sweaty people out of it i already got them every now and then before lol

  5. HIGH MMR IN SOLO IS FUN! but not for the killer. Usually, you want to find a weak link in a chain already so much overpowered by the devs. Insted, with MMR, you find only unbreakable chains made with 4 pro players

  6. honestly i thought we were together as a community when we all complained about the new system until i realized why they actually disliked it. and i’m on true’s side where i haven’t had a problem with the gameplay itself but the grade system just feels meaningless.

  7. "Smart tunneling." I'm glad TrU3 acknowledges that punishing bad playing and not letting someone with a bad unhook or who is out of position live is not toxic, just smart gameplay. Chasing injured, out-of-position, unsafe unhook near your last 3 gens > chasing Lithe uninjured, un-hooked through killer shack right next to a jungle gym directly toward the opposite side of the map. And surivors will still whine about tunneling even in this scenario.


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