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Horror Hater Plays Dead by Daylight (FIRST TIME) Survivor
– Chocolate Kieran
#DeadByDaylight #dbd #ChocolateKieran
A dbd community stream would be amazing
Play new nights at freddys shit your pants
This was super entertaining and hilarious to watch. I really hope you play this again and I hope I can make it to your next stream when you play it. Let's get this video to 1500 likes everyone
I never played dbd but from clips i can tell flashlight is very good as it can stun killer and free you friend when killer is carrying them. Works best when they are picking up survivor animation cuz they can't move or look other way
yeah pretty standard for a first time solo survivor. even not dying is an achievement lol. stick with Dwight (glasses guy) or Claudette (glasses girl) since they have the most basic and yet helpful perks. Dwight can find people and be more effective when cooperating, Claude can find hurt people and heal faster and also heal herself without a medkit but a much slower rate. Playing Killer can be more stressful believe it or not. Some players makes it their life's goal to bully them lol.
A good Happy-medium show you can watch is called: The Haunting at Hill house. It's on Netflix and it is more of a suspense and thriller more that it is horror. It does have some horror atmosphere but it's an intriguing story and a very good show! 100% Recommended
oh for horror game recommendation I nominate Dead Space, or the Outlast series, or Until Dawn for the video game/movie experience.
You should definitely take a look at the Resident Evil franchise if you haven’t already! It’s my favourite horror game franchise of all time and it’s got a lot of games and iconic characters. Some of the characters even being in Dead By Daylight, and a new chapter is coming out in Dead By Daylight with even more Resident Evil characters soon!
Give him 2 weeks hes gonna be 360’ing
This hurts to watch 💀
21:56 “i need to find a pallet or something” runs away from the pallet 😂
You need to look behind you more
If you want to gain a better understanding of the game I highly recommend watching a few videos by some YouTubers. I recommend otz ( channelname not orzdarva) he is a really good player that also does comprehensive guides on all topics DBD.
I think it'd really help if when you're trying out games for the first time you have someone who's played it before to guide you
tips fedora Pleasure doing killing to you.
Watch and play the mortuary assistant
If you enjoyed The Quarry you should check out Until Dawn or the other games in the Dark Pictures anthology.
Looks like you need some of us to help you like literally in game
And maybe a bit of vc would help ya a bit
thought I would give some survivor tips:
1. killers have this thing called terror radius. it's something like a big invisible circle around the killer and if you're inside it you'll start hearing an ambient which later turns into music which gets more and more intense as the killer gets closer to you. you can use terror radius to know how close the killer is without seeing him.
2. dont worry about scratch marks too much. after like 5 seconds they become harder to see so only try to hide scratch marks when the killer is nearby.
3. knowing how to "loop" is key to making the chases harder for the killer. looping refers to runnning around an object which has a window and/or pallet next to it. since breaking pallets and vaulting windows slows the killer down significantly they usually prefer to just try thinking ahead and going towards the spot you'll end up vaulting to instead of vaulting the window or breaking the pallet themselves. its kinda hard to explain it with just words but watching a gameplay of a decent survivor being chased can show you the general idea.
4. the "getting started" tab you visited for the survivor tutorial also has the game manual section. most of it's content is already explained through tutorials but the status effects might be worth giving a read. I'll explain the biggest ones here:
undetectable (killer buff): hides killer''s red stain (the red glowing light which appears right in the killer's face 24/7) disables terror radius and prevents survivors from seeing your aura with perks that give them the ability to do so.
exposed: (survivor debuff) survivor affected by this debuff can be put into a crawling state with just one hit even if they're healthy.
incapacitated: (survivor debuff) prevents you from doing generators, interacting with teammates, using items, sabotaging hooks and cleansing totems. that being said all other actions not mentioned here can be performed and you wont see this debuff that much anyway.
good luck with the killer!
lol this was so funny
play phasmophobia next
I was in the live but I left cause it kept lagging and missed it
you should try killer, you just run around and stab everyone, no skill-check required
Watch otz that's my only tip
Please play resident evil 7 if you get the chance! It's the only game that can scare me to this day, and I play a lot of horror games
Thank you for letting the shirtless David king die
Fr tho thanks for a fun game kieran 😄 Hope you play more dbd in the future!