"House of Fun" Clown Build | Dead by Daylight

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This was an extremely evil viewer-requested build that somehow managed to make an otherwise worthless perk look almost decent. Fun stuff!

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Thumbnail 3D render by the lovely Ev3ntic:


46 thoughts on “"House of Fun" Clown Build | Dead by Daylight”

  1. Cruel Limits is even better on Midwich. You know that office room where survivors cut through the little window? Where killers are forced to break the door? That spot gets blocked multiple times. Simply chase them into that office, and watch the salt when they can’t vault. May even get a DC.

    Cruel Limits is also hilarious on Plague. I usually get them in that room, and throw up in their face when they try to vault. Hilarious.

  2. SPOILERS!!!!!!!!!! Hidden Achievement.

    I didn't get why chat was reacting like that and then I remembered. There is a steam achievement which consists of being the last one alive, repair last gen and escape through the door. I remember I got that achievement before the endgame collapse was in the game, in July 2018. But I got it legit, against a rank 18 trapper but still, before endgame collapse existed. The name of the achievement is "Left for Dead" and it's a Bill-themed one. He even appears in the icon. Cheers!

  3. God I hate this addon so much. It sounds like it would award accurate play, but its so easy if you just stuff up the back of them and then cant miss. You can also just spam too, it's like if iri head didnt reduce number of hatchets. Make it so you only get two bottles with it then it'll be balanced.

  4. I can't trust Otz anymore. He tries to put value on valueless things just to be different. I clicked off when I saw the pink addon. I know I'll be unpopular for saying all this, but it was bothering me since most of the videos of DBD on YT are from him.


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