How CALL OF DUTY'S "Pick 10" System Could SAVE Dead By Daylight

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In this DBD video we’re going to take a look at how COD Black Ops 2’s Pick 10 Create a Class system could massively benefit DBD. With the game becoming increasingly sweaty to the point where it’s almost no longer enjoyable, being review bombed across multiple platforms, and dropping player count consistently. Something needs to be done to revitalize Dead By Daylight. A currency based system is my idea to do that.

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32 thoughts on “How CALL OF DUTY'S "Pick 10" System Could SAVE Dead By Daylight”

  1. no point system is better and we clearly need a freddy buff btw he was nerfed and that was Dbd wasting their time when they couldve been working on better things. I do think uselss perks need changes and some need buffs. We need more items to be added to add more dynamic and interesting games.

  2. That's funny. I'm currntly playing Yakuza 0 for the first time and the way you describe your proposed customization for killer is really similar to Yakuza's Pocket Racing Kart's mini game system.

  3. you may trust bhvr to balance perk costs but do you trust them to choose how many points each killer gets? Its easy to compare Freddy vs Nurse cuz its so extreme but what about all the other killers? I mean they just nerfed pig… They would put pig near nurse then no one would play pig because she had less points to use for perks. I think the easiest answer is to just not take dbd seriously. The devs made it clear they don't want it a balanced game.

  4. more like: every killer and surv would have 100 points, but every power would have fixed cost of those points. Also being in the swfs would also drain points: 75 point per surv in 2 man swf, 60 points per surv in 3 man swf and 50 points in 4 man swf

  5. we could also kinda make the survivors a bit more unique, give them some discount on their perks and discount for their theme, like claudette having healing/stealth discount by like 8 and 5, Dwight having Teamwork/Aura/Tech by 5, 3, 3, Bill having Risk/Aura/Healing 6, 4, 3(bc stealth is negative) ect ect other survivors can get a bit of discount that matches what they are trying to go for

  6. Honestly if they added a perk randomizer that granted bonus BP I would be a rondomizer main and I think it would incentivize a lot of people to run different perks discovered through randomizer.

    Also maybe add a tag or a symbol at the end of the game indicating that a player used randomizer as sort of a bragging rights/show off kind of thing.

    I’m not the absolute super mega fan of a pick 10 system but I would absolutely LOVE to see the builds people come up with. I’m really enjoying these discussion videos they’re very interesting! 💛

  7. A good starting point for how many points a Perk/thing is worth can easily just be pick rate. Once again, starting point. Like anything in either side's Top 10 is worth 25 points. I like this better than a casual mode. Which imo would do nothing.

    Another game I played added a casual mode. Yugioh Master Duel. But nobody played casually there at all. Players just used it as a testing ground to practice their sweaty Meta decks without fear of losing their rank. The most "casual" thing about it is that, ok. They at least aren't a MASTER of their sweaty deck yet. But they still brought the sweat.

    I feel DBD would be no different.

  8. I actually like this idea and would LOVE to see BHVR testing this out and see where it goes. However, measuring the amount of points each killer can use will be hell to make and satisfy each killer´s needs. Now, I'm going to present an example that does NOT fully reflect the current reality of things and in some cases is not accurate but demonstrates the ridiculous way BHVR takes action.

    Nurse or Blight of course are no-brainer low-point candidates in the community´s eyes but what are devs going to use? Otz tierlist? No, they are going to use their spreadsheet that says Nurse is underperforming statistically and thus should get a lot of points. Or for example, Legion is almost overperforming (yes I know that is pure fantasy, but in their statistics, they are fine thanks to being extremely lethal to new players, not because they are good killers) and thus should get a bit fewer points, Twins, artists and skull merchants are absolute monsters and thus should be allowed to use way less points, etc. etc.

    That would be a disaster of gigantic proportions. But if it is actually handled well, not via spreadsheet, it might be a massive improvement for the game.

  9. Honestly I prefer having a full loadout, it just feels nice. I typically don't use mostly meta perks to begin with so this change would probably barely affect me but I still don't like the idea that you could just be locked out of certain perk setups when it could just be a single perk that's strong.
    Like imagine if I want to do an anti slugging build and I have things like Soul Guard, Power Struggle, Flip Flop, and then Unbreakable, but oops I can't cause Unbreakable is too much. Yeah I could drop one of these perks, but most of them only work in this build or similar builds, and not having Unbreakable breaks this build.
    So while the idea is nice, I don't think even with tweaking that it would truly work in DBD, they could try it and I'd be down to give it a try, and who knows if it's good enough maybe they make a separate queue so they see which is more favourable and if it's split keep both, if one is very heavily dominating the other keep that one.

  10. Aren't these registrations only really helpful if the Nurse or the SWF know what they are doing?

    Now, if I want to learn Nurse, I'm heavily restricted and less likely to want to learn.

  11. This is pretty cool as an idea, only thing I would say is Brown Items as survivors would have to have 0 cost simply because items are the survivor power so weaker brown items would be Trapper/Nightmare level of power while Red Items would be Nurse/Blight level

  12. i dont think it would change anything. there will simply be builds 'best for a nurse' 'best for a clown' etc. they will differ depending on the killer… exactly like now. now doctor doesnt need to see the aura, because he has it from his power. he will always need something for the generators tho. it cant be changed, without changes to his power. and what will these points change? the doctor will be even weaker than he already is if developers decide that aura perks are cheap and the ones the doctor needs are expensive.
    overall it will be even worse than now, because if perks will be limited, you will have to take the strongest build, all 4 perks, it will not be possible to take part of it and change the other part. so each clown will use only 4 perks, always only these 4, because they are the strongest combo for him. and not like now – 4 of the 20 strongest. it will be even worse on the side of the survivors.
    in cod it works because it depends on the weapon, and everyone uses a different one depending on the skill. so the differences do not result directly from the system, but from preferences. in dbd the preference is to choose the killer. limiting perks wont change much here.

  13. I suggestes something similar on the DbD forum long time ago, my idea was slighty different, to just group perks in categories (gen speed, heal bonus, aura perk, addon, map offering and so on ) and assign a value to those group. You have 100 point to create your build so if a perk from the gen group has a value of 60 you are forced to bring lower value item.

    In your idea, the only issue are the Dev who have to decide how many point a killer may have and since they said "Trapper is in a good spot and need no rework" i really doubt they can provide the corred ammount of value to killers

  14. I always switch perks every few games makes it much more tolerable. On killer meme builds are always my go to. I was thinking they should half a bunch of the small niche perks and make mini buff perks you could pick so some other perks could get picked rather then not at all. Your idea sounds good but after those comments saying it would take years to add things mobile has leaves me with little hope.

  15. If this change would "nerf strong killers" It would just as much buff weak ones. Which I also don't think this would do. I think my only concern is that BHVR would use this system to be lazy and not further buff or nerf things that should be regardless of the situation.

  16. No thanks. currency being individually ranked per killer would cause more trouble then it's worth. Just making Freddy having the options to more broken or high level game defining perks add-ons does nothing for Freddy being boring to play. only making other killers people enjoy worse to play as now they can't run 4 slowdowns but if they wanna better chance at winning they can pick the sleeper character Freddy. also creativity for fun ways to play or unique niche builds get restricted and limited making the game even more stale for those who are not exclusively meta slaves and actually trying new things. too bad the devs subjectively said twins is too strong at high mmr so I cant make any fun build ideas around them now.

    Unironically I think a currency system could work but it would be exclusively for perks. everyone has a set total of points like ten for example. Everyone. Perks then have totals to them. deadlock 4 and quick gambit being 1 for example. basically meaning you cant only have highest level perks together but you could pair them with some cheaper alternative. so you can get a tighter control over meta and balance and problematic interactions and allowing weaker perks a chance to shine. is something way too good? add 1 or 2 more to the cost and now it removes being able to pair it with certain perks that made it too problematic.

    even still I'm not sure if this would be the best as it still limits creativity and fun. but I'm open to it as it could be a very healthy change or it's too much and we regret it and change it. if we had ptb tests like that about suggested changes that would be awesome but having everything from offerings to add-ons even being points would be annoying asf and way too much subjective speculation from the devs on what should be what. with only perks at least it's easier to manage and adjust.

    I would prefer people coming up with good ways to improve the game than not. so while I disagree here choy I like you are thinking of ways to improve the experience.

  17. So don't get me wrong, I really like this as a concept, but there's a critical flaw in your thinking: this system makes balance more complex, not less complex. While in theory perk cost could trump all other factors, in practice these are still the same perks that have become popular or unpopular for a reason. People want the most consistently strong builds, and no matter what that specific build becomes under this new system, its going to feature the same type of perks the meta builds always have. Even if Dissolution or Unrelenting are super cheap, players are still not going to see them as worth running. And maybe Pain Res and Corrupt are super expensive, but people are still going to stack as much slowdown as possible. Changing this would necessitate changing the power of the perks themselves, leaving us right back where we started, but now with entirely additional mechanic to balance along with it.

    Also while this is much less central to your system itself, punishing people for playing together is never a good idea. You can make the argument that SWFs are always going to be stronger than Solo Queue and that adding restrictions are the only way to combat that, but at the end of the day if you make players feel discouraged from playing with friends, they're more likely to just stop playing entirely. Casuals especially are not going to want to rework their entire build just because their buddy wanted to hop in. More sweaty SWFs on the other hand are already able to use weaker perks to much greater effect (Power Struggle, Decisive Strike, Background Player, Deliverance, etc.), leaving them still frustrating to go against for most players.


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