How do the Killers Interact in the Entity’s Realm? (Dead by Daylight)

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Hey everyone, today we’re going to be considering which of the killers inside of the Entity’s realm, could possibly be friends, have rivalries, or have some kind of relationship even. How they would interact basically when out of the trials. Let’s get into it.

Chapter 23 has been released! It’s Sadako Rising, a licensed chapter. The new killer is named The Onryō, and the new survivor, Yoichi Asakawa! Sadako’s gameplay is really fun, and Yoichi’s perks are pretty interesting.

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Music used from YouTube Audio Library:
Clean and Dance – An Jone
Night Run Away – An Jone
Vital Whales – Unicorn Heads

Hope you enjoy!

Dead by Daylight Wiki (very helpful and a ton of cool stuff and secrets on there):

Some images used are taken from in-game Dead by Daylight cutscenes and are used here to illustrate points, under fair use.

Intro: 0:00
Family 0:19
Can’t really communicate 1:50
Friends 4:54
Stay away from the others 9:06
Enemies 11:18
Romantic relationships 11:59
Outro 12:48


49 thoughts on “How do the Killers Interact in the Entity’s Realm? (Dead by Daylight)”

  1. Personally, I think Dwight and Claudette would find a way to get along with Charlotte and Victor somehow. Obviously they'd be enemies during the trials, but no one said that killers and survivors couldn't at least have an understanding.

  2. Being a fan of The Artist myself, I’d like to think she has an open invitation to the Eyrie of Crows for those who wish to learn how to draw and paint when not going out to kill.

    I would imagine a few would take up her offer, probably Frank who, being still a teen, would probably draw her in a lewd way on his sketchbook. This would likely amuse Carmina: it is a form of art.

    But oh boy: Susie would be downright furious

  3. I feel like The Twins and The Huntress might work as a mother and children relationship seeing as Charlotte is still a kid at heart and mind, and Victor is one. Huntress also lost her mother just like they did.

  4. I honestly love the idea of the Ormond Group. All three of these characters being human serial killers would get along great, and it makes me smile imagining Ghostface as a father/mentor to the legion group, who are a group of novice killers in the realm, while trickster could possibly teach them style and how to look more menacing, or like you said, help with mixtapes. Love the videos man, keep doing what you do best!

  5. I have a theory that the killers don't interact like the survivors do outside of trials. we've never gotten a good answer to this, but especially with the more animalistic killers like demo, nemesis, huntress, or myers running around, I don't know if that'd necessarily be a good idea.

    I think that after each round, like Pyramid head, all of the killers are put to "sleep" in a matrix-style way. their consciousnesses are intertwined and can communicate with one another (explaining how nonverbal killers like demogorgon can teach perks to others), but physically they're all in an almost comatose state until they're needed for a trial

  6. In my headcanon, i would like to imagine Sadako hanging around with Oni and Spirit, since Spirit is a kind of Onryo and Oni would be just like a father figure since he died before the two of them, so he understand perfectly how it is like. i would like to imagine this group would respect eachother's feelings and traumas, since all of them died in brutal ways. And also because all of them died and becomed vengeful spirits and are the only one known as ghosts around the realm. I would like to think Oni would respect Sadako because of her tremendous power around the realm too. And even if they're not blood related, both Spirit and Oni would Let Onyro join they're party 🙂

  7. *Legion and Trickster*: I feel like every legion member except Susie despises trickster for his fame and his style of music. Susie would be one of the k-pop stans and tries to get Julie into it.

    *Doctor, Nightmare, and Clown*: If the doctor finds out what Freddy did to die I feel like a bond between them would break. Clown however would still be very interested in Nightmare regardless of what he has done.

    *Nemesis and the Legion*: Susie would be the most scared of legion, Joey finds him cool, and Frank and Julie use nemesis as a way to scare Susie.

    Ghostface and Everyone else: Most killers either love or hate him. He constantly takes pictures of them every chance he gets. Huntress, Myers, Pyramid Head, and Hillbilly would hate him and Trickster would try and become good friends with him so he could have his picture taken as well. He would also be the killer to talk with everyone like they’re in an interview

  8. I feel like every killer that have the blight skin hate The Blight for experimenting them. Even Doctor might have some kind of superiority complex towards the Blight rather than being impressed.

  9. I feel like Deathslinger wouldn't like killers Like Trickster, ghost face and legion who are more sadistic. I know Deathslinger himself is a killer but I feel like His old cowboy personality wouldn't like them. Honestly I could see Deathslinger hanging out with bubba, Billy, and maybe even huntress and trapper.

  10. Spirit and Sadoko I always imagine as best pals

    I honestly disagree with Legion keeping to themselves, being in a realm full of serial killers has got to be Frank and Julie’s dream come true

    I feel like most killers would actually probably be annoyed by the Legion because of their constant fanboy/girl nature (maybe not so much Susie and Joey)

  11. Bubba's simpleminded self wanders and listens blissfully to Huntress' serene song, but is made jealous when Trickster swags on by and sings along, Trickster and Huntress frolick away to enjoy a night of throwing sharp objects. Bubba goes home to Thompson house sad, walking by brother Billy who can only growl in concern. Momma Hag consoles Bubba and cooks up some chili for the both of them and they share their meal with Demo doggy.

  12. Don't forget legendary skins are canon meaning that the Crypt tv characters would also interact in the realm
    Here are my predictions:
    Look-See: I think he would be allies with Pyramid head, considering that they both force people to overcome grief through horror.
    the Birch: The birch would likely take the huntress under her wing and teach her her (twisted) view of how to be a mother. But hey, at least huntress will understand that kids need food lol.
    Mordeo: Mordeo would likely form a group with hag and leatherface, and they would probably…eat chili….together if you know what I mean.

  13. I'd like to think huntress would protect Sadako as she's the most childlike of the killers and being already dead huntress would never lose her to starvation like she lost the other kids she kidnapped. Be a twisted mother daughter relationship that I imagine Sadako wouldn't willingly participate in but Huntress would all the same

  14. I don't know why Michael just standing and breathing in various areas made me snort so hard. Everyone sees him and is like "What is this guy's problem?!"

    Plus there's no way anyone can tell me the Legion aren't the rascally neighborhood kids that fuck with everyone every now and again. Of course there would be ones they wouldn't mess with and their pranks would vary between harmless and malicious.

  15. I'll add that there's also probably going to be a bit of a language barrier for a lot of these people since I doubt everyone is fluent in english. Additionally, because of the physical state of Billy's mouth and jaw I dont know if he'd really be able to talk that much.

  16. I think Ghostface might be able to charm even some of the killers who have good morals. He was stated in his lore to be incredibly charismatic and if you look at a good number of people like him IRL, they're weirdly charming despite all of the evil acts they commit. All i'm saying is that given Ghostface's record he could probably make friends with (or atleast manipulate) a good chunk of the cast. Either by wooing them or appealing to their egos.

  17. I also think that the entity wouldn't want the plague to be able to communicate with the others because they could probably tell her how her people actually did end up dying anyways and that could mess with Adiris devotion to the entity.


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