How Is Adept Leatherface Even Possible?? | Dead by Daylight Killer Builds

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Another attempt at getting the adept leatherface achievement, playing around with different addons in the build.

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31 thoughts on “How Is Adept Leatherface Even Possible?? | Dead by Daylight Killer Builds”

  1. Honestly, your best attempts were with the nerfed chainsaw add-on. It's free chaser, and chaser is 75% of the battle for this adept. With that out of the way, you just need to worry about actually winning.

  2. Slugging for pressure is your friend. Every time you slug someone and they're eventually picked up, it makes up for one chainsaw down as far as Chaser is concerned. If you slug 6+ times, you're very likely to get chaser even with using chainsaw. Slugging with Knockout in the early game can also do wonders for Gatekeeper. Just hope that you don't make survivors DC with that strat, so you still get 9 hooks. 😛

  3. I think the problem isn't that you are using your power because you are using m1. I think the problem is that you are leaving the chases to have pressure. and because your snowballing the game count that chase as a lost chase so you lose emblem points. I think this is the problem

  4. I say this on all of your videos for this, and I say it again… All a survivor has to do is escape. They could literally just hide and not touch a generator, not heal a friend, not do anything other than evade everyone, then get hatch and boom Adept Survivor. Yet killers have to basically have a perfect game across the board in al categories, it's so broken.

    I know they won't actually do anything since it is possible her internet went out legitimately and the timing was just concidental, it's happened to me… but God… The fact that survivors can just quit when things aren't going their way and completely screw over all the other players, something needs to be done about that.

  5. Iridescent chaser requires over 20 chases under 30 seconds. Iridescent gatekeeper requires you to prevent 3 gens from popping in the first few minutes. Malicious is very easy to achieve but is easier with every hit. Best way to get chaser is to slug people a few times if you’re using you’re chainsaw too much. Also disconnects are worth the same as a kill. Just make sure to hook everyone once.

  6. He almost got it with Iri Flesh and SL. Was just a bad map and he wasn't playing well. If he had something a little better for Bubba than Ormond and played better than he did that other game, he'd have Adept easily.

  7. With some of these adepts you just need to be lucky. Bubba took me 3 games to get the other day. Whereas Deathslinger is on game like 20 and I still don't have it

  8. I feel so lucky for this achievement, after the first vid in this stellar series I tried it in gold and got it first try bc matchmaking sweet on me. It's crazy how the gameplay jumps from killer gold to red rank. Only been up there twice and it's rough

  9. When I did Bubba adept I only used the chainsaw to break pallets and to scare Survivors. That's it. Every single hit and every single down was basic attack.

  10. DCs only effect your chase emblem. You're awarded all remaining hook states whenever a survivor disconnects whether they're on death hook or first.

    Edit: I did the adept Bubba by M1 then chainsaw survivors. I.E. smack em first then use the saw to down them and an map offering for Midwich. You get additional malicious (chaser emblem) points for using your saw/ power so that plus mediocre survivors and you're good.

  11. Tofu I understand why you're slugging for pressure but when going for adept that is probably the last thing you want to do. If they heal it costs you and if they don't they're presumably staying on gens. Either way it hurts your chances massively to slug.

  12. Like I said in your first bubba video man, just don’t use the chainsaw. Ever. Use it to break a pallet sure. But do not hit a single survivor with that chainsaw. It’s just how killer adept is set up, it needs to be reworked because there’s quite a few killers that have terrible perk setups and power actively works against you. ONi is another one you just can’t use your power on. Just m1 hook m1 hook and pray to rng you get survivors that aren’t focusing on gens that’s all you can do.

  13. Hey as someone who’s gotten all the adepts on pc ps4 ps5 and Xbox, (ps4 stopped at pinhead) for bubba you should bring a dead dawg saloon offering and you need to choose your chainsaws carefully. I recommend chainsawing the first guy and hooking, and if you find a second guy before the unhook, chainsaw down him. And if you reach the unhook as it’s happening chainsaw those guys too, but then no more chainsaw downs from healthy. If the unhook happens before you find a guy just M1 until you find 2 people next to each other, capitalize by chainsawing and hooking one and slugging one and M1 rest of the game. At least that’s what I do. If you think THIS is hard, you’re gonna cry when you reach plague. Plague is THE hardest adept in the whole game. If you use your power you lose. Simple as that lol.

  14. You need to be a chainsaw bubba bcuz it’s great for mobility and getting rid of pallets even against injured survivors. But especially in the early game you will still want those M1’s to try and maybe get them to heal instead of do gens. But in the ideal game I think you will be chainsawing a lot of injured survivors. Bcuz they will not expect it.

  15. If you really just want to get this over with and don't care how, you can always use the tried and true sweatlord adept strategy. It's miserable for survivors, but it's a very formulaic way to get Merciless for any killer, assuming you're able to win in the first place. There are very few ways to miss Merciless other than outright losing the game. I'll go over those at the end.

    Phase 1 is killing someone. Find a weak survivor and tunnel the shit out of them ASAP, no matter the cost in terms of emblems. One-shot downs are fine. It's even fine if they die on their first hook, so long as you don't lose Gatekeeper by camping them.

    Phase 2 is padding the match length for Chaser and Gatekeeper. For the next 5 or so minutes, mostly don't bother to hook anyone. Just keep 2 survivors downed as much as possible, and kick gens while the 3rd survivor is force to go pick someone up. This phase ends when you've grinded enough Chaser points (ideally 6+ slugs picked up), and you're comfortable with Gatekeeper. The only thing that should force you out of phase 2 early is the risk of a survivor dying to bleed out.

    Phase 3 is getting to 7 hooks. The more you've regressed gens during phase 2 the easier this is, because you need to loosen up your stranglehold on the game to make this work. This phase is all about getting hooks while following certain rules. These rules make it incredibly difficult for survivors to spoil your Merciless.

    I) Never hook a survivor while another survivor is downed. No exceptions.
    II) Never down a survivor while another survivor is hooked. If you do, you'll have to pick up and let them wiggle off if the remaining survivor isn't rescuing.

    III) Don't kill anyone until you've gotten to 7 hook actions and entered phase 4.

    Phase 4 is just killing everyone. If you've gotten to this phase correctly, not even a survivor DC can stop you at this point. Just manage your bleedout timers wisely if you're slugging for 4k, as some might already be low from phase 2.

    There aren't too many ways for this to go wrong other than outright losing the match. Here they are.
    * Losing 3 gens during phase 1 is almost always recoverable. But losing 4 rarely is.
    * If you somehow don't get 4 BBQ stacks in phase 3, the unhooked survivor could cause a loss by DCing.
    * In any other situation a single DC is fine, but multiple DCs will be likely a loss.
    * Having a survivor bleed out is a loss.
    * Having a survivor get hatch is a loss.

  16. I got Adept Leatherface the first time I tried it. It was a quick 4-5 minute game on old Haddonfield. Caught two survivors in a small room and chainsawed them both down. Snowballed from there. Easy. Get good, Tofu!

    Just kidding about that last bit. I wasn't in Iri grades at the time so it was way easier to achieve.


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