How many bots are too many in Dead By Daylight? Is Casual Mode coming to DBD?

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Dead By Daylight has a new satisfaction survey, asking for your honest feedback about recent things like the limited time events, and the contents of the All Things Wicked chapter, The Unknown, Sable Ward, and the Greenville Square map.

But they also asked for our opinions on how we’d feel loading into regular trial matches with preloaded bots beside us to fill lobbies? And if we don’t like that idea would we be okay with bots loading in beside us if it was for casual mode? Casual mode? They’re considering on splitting the game into casual and competitive mode? Since when?

Let me hear your thoughts on all this! Also please take the survey!

Access the survey👉

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24 thoughts on “How many bots are too many in Dead By Daylight? Is Casual Mode coming to DBD?”

  1. Dead By Daylight has a new satisfaction survey, asking for your honest feedback about recent things like the limited time events, and the contents of the All Things Wicked chapter, The Unknown, Sable Ward, and the Greenville Square map.

    But they also asked for our opinions on how we'd feel loading into regular trial matches with preloaded bots beside us to fill lobbies? And if we don't like that idea would we be okay with bots loading in beside us if it was for casual mode? Casual mode? They're considering on splitting the game into casual and competitive mode? Since when?

    Let me hear your thoughts on all this! Also please take the survey!

    Access the survey👉

    If you buy any DLC or auric cell packages on Epic Game Store, you can support my channel by entering "PAULIEESTHER" in the creator tag box when you complete your purchase. I would appreciate it! Thank you! Or use my link here:

    Dead by Daylight | Download and Buy Today – Epic Games Store

    Thanks for watching!

    Thanks to all your support we've finally reached that elusive 100,000 YouTube subscribers milestone and I've filled out the application for the silver PLAY button from YouTube to give to my son. Thank you for all your help. Obviously none of this happens without you. My son is going to be so excited when it arrives. To infinity and beyond! If you're one of the 70% of my viewers who watch my channel content but isn't subscribed please consider subscribing. Also double check if you think you are already subscribed because sometimes YouTube randomly removes subscriptions. Thank you for your help. Remember subscribing is completely free, it simply reminds you when I put up new content.

    If you buy any DLC or auric cell packages on Epic Game Store, you can support my channel by entering "PAULIEESTHER" in the creator tag box when you complete your purchase. I would appreciate it! Thank you! Or use my link here:

    Dead by Daylight | Download and Buy Today – Epic Games Store

    What's that symbol in the corner? That's my "Fog Whisperer" icon. What is a Fog Whisperer? A Fog Whisperer is a person who engages the DBD community by creating compelling and absorbing content to a high standard. Here's the list of the Fog Whisperers with links to their channels in this Dead By Daylight official website article:

    If you'd like to support the channel you can click join on the page on the link below for access to the special Esther emotes:

    Paulie Esther merch is here? What? How did this happen?

    My PC is a special Dead By Daylight custom PC made by Xidax. You can watch these videos here about the PC and it's specs and the journey to get it made. Also if you're in the market for a new PC, visit Xidax using my link and enter code "PAULIE" at checkout to let them know that Paulie Esther sent you!

    Xidax PC video part 1:

    Xidax PC part 2:

    Want to send me some snail mail? I have a Post Office Box set up now!





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    #DeadByDaylight #communitydiscussion

  2. The bots were at first a surprisingly good option to supplement DC players. But then when I realized that most of the time it is just people giving up on the hook and skipping the bot altogether. Then the bot just felt like a distraction to a human problem. So let's just focus on improving the human experience. Not a perfect solution, but at least it is grounded for the human experience of playing the game.

  3. A bot taking the place of a disconnected player is fantastic (as the other possibility is losing one survivor instantly); I totally agree that starting a match with one is an entirely different story. Moreover, the only way to "fix" disconnect is with a proper ranked mode where if you disconnect your rank will be affected

  4. well for me i would say that if you have waited for 6 min i think is cool to be fill with bots, i think this only happens in extrem queue like new players and high tier players, and for a new player is not bad to have some bots to play around and get use to the game, and in high tier there is no point in using bots, good killer will get bored for winning easy so i guess this is only for low elo players
    Its better to have bots than being unable to play

  5. Ideally never… but if queues were longer than 15 minutes, I'd be happy with an odd bot (but not all three). If queues are that long the only other option is to just not play at all.
    Luckily queues aren't that long.

  6. Bots are so weird in the game:
    I had 2 matches (On as killer on as survivor) where a bot just kill itself on sevond stage – with real survivor still in the match, more than one.)
    other match: there was a Bot slow vaulting a window over and over again. Sometimes they get lost in the fake basement on Badham or Haddonfield.
    the last weird bot moment was with an Alan bot on Gideons. He was in the Basement. I was on hook and the 2 other survivor on the floor, all of us far far away from that bot

  7. Honestly I feel opposite of you my best teammates have been bots in solo q . They are efficient sit on gens, pre run and waste killers time in very long chases because of lack of mind game. If they are at a bad loop they are dead but so are the normal players. As killer I rarely chase the bots unless I need to buy time on the Gen they are paying most bot chases are longer than normal player chases which hurts you.

  8. Paulie I was discussing this with my husband last night and he made a great point- With only survivor bots (and zero killer bots) in the game, the devs have not had great incentive to make the survivor experience pleasant. Since they can just be replaced with bots, devs do not necessarily have to address whatever is making them dc (ie the skull merchant). There is no real incentive for the devs to make killers/perks that are balanced since they punish you for dc'ing and allow the game to carry out "as usual" with the bots. TLDR – until BHVR fully releases killer bots to replace actual players it shouldn't happen with survivors because it can heavily impact balancing decisions

  9. I have some friends who constantly fail at survivor but dominate at their rating as killer (less then 300h), and I'm pretty sure they would do the bot thing in hope to be less frustrated as a survivor. But let's face the facts. The moment you get bot survivors, you should get a bot killer as well OR hide the bots for the killer. If not, like with the tunneling all the time, killer would focus on the real players skipping the bots most of the time. This doesn't solve anything for those people.

    Furthermore, training with bots may help completely new players, but the learning curve goes much higher the moment you interact with real people and try "reading their minds".
    I recently realised how much I improved over the last few months and I'm absolutely sure, playing with bots wouldn't have helped me that much like all those a'hole killers did.
    Thank you for that, I guess.

  10. Weird they’re asking that. Queue times in DBD have never been bad. Are they maybe worried that new game modes will split the player base and the normal game queue will be longer and thus require bots.

  11. As a survivor main, I don’t mind bots on my team. I fee the game is better when people play from start to finish with out d/c’ing but a bot here and there is okay with me. However, I wouldn’t want to load into a game with 3 other bots unless I’m wait 10-15min to find a lobby. Then at that point I’ve waited almost a full match length to get into a game and I’d rather have bots then not play at all. Same thing goes for a swf. If we’re are waiting 10-15 for a match then I’d rather go against a bot killer than wait any longer. Overall bots are okay if they are included sparingly and only used when necessary. Hope that helps! 💚🙏

    Side note:
    I really only play as Trickster if I play the killer role. It’s always fun but I SUCK as killer. Bots for me wouldn’t be such a bad idea 😅 but playing against real human players would always be preferred.

  12. In my case, bots are better than me.
    I missed an additional question on the survey, saying: "Would you like to start the game replaced by a bot, for the greater good?"
    Thank you for the info, Paulie. I'm happy to see references to The Simpsons know no boundaries. 🙂


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