How to Counter Being Tunneled in DBD in 2024 – Dead by Daylight

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This video overviews the perk builds and steps to counter being tunneled in Dead by Daylight.

0:00 Video Overview
1:03 Anti-Tunnel Perk Builds
3:12 Anti-Tunnel Method
8:07 Anti-Tunnel Game 1
11:30 Anti-Tunnel Method Applied
14:10 Anti-Tunnel Game 2
20:05 Outro

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35 thoughts on “How to Counter Being Tunneled in DBD in 2024 – Dead by Daylight”

  1. Some or alot of survivors complain about tunneling and they are very bad at the game, like how did you get caught 2 times at 5 gens. If atleast they had a bit of looping skills that woudn't be much of a problem to them

  2. honestly for me personally. its less that me getting tunneled bothers me and moreso that at 4 gens someone gets tunneled out and then the killer just patrols gens until they get an essy 4k. its incredibly infuriating how often you get people who do this.

  3. As a killer main, I will tell you the number #1 method not to get tunneled by me:
    Don't complete 4 gens at my 2nd hook. If 4th gen pops at 2-3 hooks, I will immediately tunnel the next person I see.
    If you don't want that, hide & stealth more and genrush less. Easy as that.

  4. Passively keeping in mind what your pathing is going to be is tricky topped with understanding your positioning on a tile and how you’ll cycle to the next one. Knowing what pallets have been thrown and properly knowing how to run those tiles is hard to track when mind-gaming with a killer.

  5. as a killer main if this becomes the way survivors play we will lose or draw a lot more. Combined with our inability to do 3-gen strats or face camp to confirm the tunnel we will lose to any moderately capable solo queue that can spread their hooks and do gens even semi efficiently. I do not knock you survivors for playing this way as I would much prefer killers chasing and trying to get 12 hook games; HOWEVER, we are basically on a timer that counts down to the end of the match.

    With no gen speed the first 3 gens can be completed in 2 min of the match beginning with the last 2 happening the following 3 min. That kind of gen efficiency means from loading into the match we would need to down you all within less than 30 secs per chase to have a shot at keeping up.

    That is the why for you or someone else being tunnled. It is not personal it is just math. Wesker said is best "seven minuets is all I can spare…"

  6. Distortion is also an amazing info perk.
    It gives you information on which aura perks and add-ons the killer has, but more importantly, it can tell you what they DON'T have, which helps confirm other possible perks

  7. I know it’s 2024 and mft is a distant memory at this point, but it’s a great anti tunneling perk killers don’t expect nowadays. Pair with any exhaustion perk now that it’s viable during exhaustion and bam. Bring a styptic agent with a medkit as an extra measure. Come back from a snowball, or if the killer is slugging with its secondary ability, endurance after healing. Overall still a good perk if you know how to keep your distance and loop the killer to discourage tunneling!

  8. Finally someone who instead of saying only "Tunneling is bad 1!1!1!" actually gives advices on how to counter being tunneled. This is a true guide on how to be efficient in chase, proving that if someone is good at the game tunneling isn't a problem.

  9. Simple, complain on social media and try to shame killers by calling them sweaty, cringe, and worse than Hitler. Do the same for people who "gen rush". Those who spread hooks and do gens slower should be praised like they're Jesus, after all nothing tells you better what kind of a person someone is but the way they play Dbd.

    And ofc, make sure to say there is nothing you can do against tunneling/"gen rushing", after all being a victim requires you to have no accountability.

  10. Imo a big way to resolve tunneling being so strategic would be to implement bans on survivor players who do nothing most of the game. Let’s say they require survivors to meet a certain amount of gen progress (like 1 whole gen) or a certain amount of chase time (60-90 sec) or they get a 15 minute matchmaking penalty (and obviously explain why they get the penalty). Maybe it’d encourage solo survivors to actually do something for once.

  11. Off the record, Spring burst, Made for this and your choice perk is my go-to to help avoid tunneling. Doesnt always work. Ae a last resort I turn around and point at the killer to shame them lol.

  12. Exchange Adrenaline with Kindred and the first one it is my standard perkbuild till iri one, after that its just all for fun and idc about getting tunneled or proxy camped 🙈 Behaviour should remove the depip system. I think so much more people would play way more chilled..


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