How to Counter Camping in Solo Queue – Dead by Daylight

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22 thoughts on “How to Counter Camping in Solo Queue – Dead by Daylight”

  1. No amount of buffs to solo queue will ever come close to perfect map-wide information, communication and coordination of SWFs. Do you guys really think that some icons will replace “He’s camping me, genrush immediately” or “He hit me with Dark Devotion, guys be careful”? SWF are necessary for this game’s survival, but let’s not pretend they don’t absolutely fuck the balance. As a solo queue player I’m not looking forward to this patch.

  2. dbd devs stated in the patchnotes that they are trying to discourage killers from camping, yet if you read those patchnotes you will learn that they actually buffed it.
    that's BHVR for you

  3. scott, please do not bring attention to luck builds lol, literally one of the most broken things in the game, please dont bring attention to it. unironically delete this video.

  4. I love the build and the thoughts you put behind it BUT one core issue u mentioned is lack of communication. So unironically a big part of this build is to say in the lobby that you have deliverance. I have had way too many times where I'm on hook getting facecamped with deliverance and people will either run across the map to save me anyway or waste time another way. Tell your team, it's vital.

  5. I just bring Kindred, it gives out plenty of info for the randoms to coordinate, without it more than 1 of them will go for a save which will ruin gen efficiency though if your team are so bad that they are slowly walking around the map not doing crap then you're going to lose whether you like it or not.

  6. Borrowed guarantees a safe unhook. The new 5 second built in doesn't, but the 15 seconds will, as long as they don't go down you get the deli proc, with 15 seconds it shouldn't be possible to fail unless your teammate is trolling

  7. BHVR devs are just the most confusing dev team I've ever seen. They refuse to let soloq players communicate with each other for absolutely no reason, there is legitimately no reason they have when it's completely fine for 4 stacks to communicate. Another thing is how they refuse to let console players use mnk inputs, doesn't really matter for survivors but for killers like Blight and Pinhead they become C tier killers without a mouse and it makes absolutely no sense why they won't allow console players to use mnk

  8. I don’t think anti-reinforcement with that build is going to work at all. They’ll just camp the person that unhooked and/or slug them creating more pressure and tunnel – the person in deep wound already (even if they had borrowed Time and Off the Record and Dead Hard… is screwed due to deep wound/killer hit recovery buff/overall killer action recovery buff) tunneling and camping will be easier and … essentially… rewarded big time, now.

  9. This does not counter Bubba, can't tell you how many times even with BT Bubba still downs the person off the hook because his chainsaw hits multiple times and in the time the animation of un-hooking and your actually able to move and activate Sprint Burst he can still down you. It's just a manner of timing, if he messes up the timing or fails to get a grab then sure.

  10. Scott this is terrible advice. Slippery meat+up the ante is not a counter to camping in solo queue. 6 attempts at 17% chance (4% base + 4% slippery + 9% up the ante) are awful odds for what you risk and sacrifice. If you fail to unhook yourself, you just threw the game for everyone.

    You can only get up to a 56% chance escape per an attempt if EVERYONE on the team is running up the ante and bringing a luck offering which isn't applicable since this is in solo queue. (4*9% up the ante + 4*3% offering +4% slippery +4% base)

    Kindred is the best solo queue perk. If you're getting hardcore facecamped, it's not going to save you, but it lets your teammates optimize their time. If they're too stupid to do gens then you probably weren't going to win anyways and your team certainly doesn't deserve to. But someone else is hooked, you instantly know to just keep doing gens without wasting anytime. Unless you decide to be an idiot. Not to mention, it's still very strong even without someone being camped.

  11. most of the state of minds of ppl that play video games, learn by watching someone else do it. when you go into a game like DBD, your natural behavior to play is to hit ppl, hook ppl, and go find more ppl. Nobody boots up DBD and decides to camp. Camping is a learned behavior that they saw someone else do, or heard from a tournament that that is the best way to get a win.

  12. But why go through any of this when you could just go next? Sure, this could counter camping in a lot of scenarios, but there's still a lot of problems. Deliverance only works assuming that you don't get chased/downed first, actually care about your teammates while playing solo, and if your teammate is even going to do as much or more than you will if you trade for them, so it could end up being a completely dead perk. Also, slippery meat and upping the ante both only increase the chance, do not make it a guarantee, so those could be two completely dead perks as well. And assuming that you do actually manage to unhook yourself while the killer is camping, why would they not just down you again? They may have to chase you for a while longer which counters camping but you're not going to be having any fun at that point, so why not just kill yourself on hook at that point? There are a lot of other variables to take into consideration but to keep it from being any longer I'm just going to leave it at that.

  13. So you need to level up Ace and Meg and get Slippery Meat and sacrifice 2 perk slots for just being anti facecamping. (sprintburst is the only perk outside of it) or Buy Adam and buy Zarina lvl them up, and get those 2 perks you mentioned or be very lucky and get the perks at the shrine. and then unlock them.

    dude expects people to not quit the game before they even lvled 1 person up and he expects them to buy 2 characters. gtfo Scott…


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