How to deal with slugging and toxic killers | Dead by Daylight

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Tips and a few tricks on how to deal with slugging in DBD as a survivor.
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45 thoughts on “How to deal with slugging and toxic killers | Dead by Daylight”

  1. Ngl at this point the killers are worse when it comes to being toxic compared to survivors. They literally hold the game hostage and if we leave we suffer a penalty. This isnโ€™t fun nor cool. This will make me quit the game fr

  2. Been rocking a build by a twitch streamer named โ€œTaco Hagasakiโ€. Adrenaline, Tenacity, Unbreakable, Soulguard. Its quite a situational build but if the killer ever decides to slug you, you just crawl away and recover. Been able to get so much value against toxic killers with this build. Definitely recommend it

  3. I always start watching a video when it happens.

    Last time I saw the killer intended to bleed me out at the endgame I immediately just opened a video, I alt tabbed 2 different times, in one I was getting humped and in the other I was getting hit on hook right before the entity eats me, he definitely waited until the last second to hook me.

  4. I faced a killer like that hag, she sluged me and my teammate. the only mistake she did was hooking me while my other team was about to die , i was lucky to get 4 percent and unhook my self then i found the hatch and Tbagged the hell out of her a**,

  5. I recently un-installed the game and stopped playing because I got tired of the sweaty players and toxicity. It's kinda sad too because I invested over 1000 hours into the game and for a long time it was a lot of fun. The last few months have gotten so bad I just decided that it was time to move on. I still love DBD as well as content creators like you but it stopped being fun for me to play the game.

  6. I played against a Dracula who was slugging everyone in the match, they downed me last but I t-bagged once or twice before that happened. They stood over my body pressing the hit button repeatedly so I went to make a coffee, then when I came back a couple of minutes later they were still doing it ๐Ÿ˜…๐Ÿ˜…๐Ÿ˜…

  7. I've played since 2018 when it was mostly survivors who had huge egos from winning easy games, now that's shifted and I see way more killers who have this attitude now then I ever have.

    I had a nemi hitting me on hook, shaking his head, then body blocking me in basement. I barely saw him all game (was busy tunneling out another teammate) so all I could really do is laugh it off because I genuinely had no idea why he was mad.

  8. ใ“ใกใ‚‰ใซใซใ‚‚ใ€ๆฒขๅฑฑใ„ใพใ™ใ‚ˆ๐Ÿ˜ขๅฎŒๅ…จใซ็ฒพ็ฅžใŒ็—…ใ‚“ใงใ„ใพใ™ใญใ€‚ใ‚‚ใจใ‚‚ใจไบบใจใ—ใฆ็—…ใ‚“ใงใ„ใŸใฎใ‹ใ€ใใ‚Œใจใ‚‚ใ€DBDใ‚’ๅง‹ใ‚ใฆ็—…ใ‚“ใงใ—ใพใฃใŸใฎใ‹๐Ÿ˜…็œŸ็›ธใฏใ„ใ‹ใซใ€ใ€ใ€ใ€

  9. I quit this game about a year ago and for some reason, gameplay has been appearing in my feed again.

    Can't say any of what I've seen has made me want to return to the game in the slightest. The fact that BHVR still doesn't take action against killers that purposely waste survivor player's time when the match is already over is honestly just telling that they truly don't care. Everything BHVR seems to do in terms of changes to the game just seems like it's geared towards making the kinds of killers in this video as happy as possible: The killer player that's truly awful at the game, winning matches solely due to the fact that solo queue is pure hell and, in my honest opinion, the fact that killer is clearly still the easiest it's ever been, and when survivors have the GALL to outplay them in even the slightest way, they act like manchildren like the killers in this video.

    One change that'd really benefit the game and reduce player burnout, but BHVR will never go for because it'd upset the killer mains too much, is removing that stupid DC penalty. This might come as a shock to some people, and perhaps BHVR, but people play games to have fun. If players are supposedly being replaced by AI bots upon leaving the match, then why penalize somebody for leaving a match when they're not having fun?

    tl;dr game's trash, remove the dc penalty, it just makes it easier for killers to behave like the ones in the video

  10. Your advice not to care is great, but judging from this comments section (and comments on every DBD video), most people are never going to just let it go. DBD players, especially Survivor mains, need something to complain about, it's like oxygen.

    I'll care about slugging when they care about leaving when the gates are open.

  11. For the better part of 2 years, your go-next approach is what I succeeded in doing while playing as a small streamer. With this type of opponent, and hackers targeting TTVs, I un-installed DBD a month ago. Uploads like this are greatly appreciated, but sadly, confirmation on my correct move. The video is great content, but likely not good viewing live. It is an opportunity to engage with chat on other topics. Thanks for your work here, and maintaining chill.

  12. I hate that, my reality with this game are matches exactly like that, but in very high numbers. Youโ€™re absolutely right about ignoring and just moving on. Let them be in their own misery.

  13. Hitting on hook, teabagging, malicious end game chatting, and purposefully bleeding out is toxic. There is no benefits from doing those actions, other than to annoy or insult the other side. Looping, gen rushing, blinding, stunning, tunneling, camping, and slugging aren't toxic because those obviously are beneficial to their respective sides gameplay wise. Looping and gen rushing helps relieve pressure while tunneling, camping, and slugging creates pressure. Wanting to win the game is fine, but being mean or wasting time isn't.

  14. TL;CR: Slugging isn't always done with 'toxic' intent, and there are things the developers could do to remove the option to slug a whole team in a way that doesn't punish Killers for being good enough to down everyone at once. However, I'd agree that these particular killers added toxicity into the mix by hitting on hook and doing the killer version of tea-bagging.

    I did a three-man slug the other day. It wasn't to be toxic; it was to go from a 0K to a 4K since the exit gates were powered and I had only managed to get one hook for the entire match, which I downed around the basement after they ran me across the map. Since there were no generators left, I camped the basement and set up my Hag traps at good locations. I downed the first person who tried to save, then downed the second person who did save, the death-hook person got away, and the third person got downed trying to save the other two. Finally, the death-hook person triggered a trap I had placed near the start of the game and I chased them for a while before downing them. Since none of them had used Unbreakable and I had finished off the only person who had already been hooked, it was safe to assume that none of the other three had unbreakable so hooking them would only give at least twelve 4% chances that the remaining survivors get away (before considering perks like Deliverance, Slippery Meat, Flip Flop, and Power Struggle) so slugging was a strategic choice that guaranteed the win. I mostly just walked around drawing my Hag glyphs in a radius around the two Survivors I could see in case they were saving their Unbreakable for some reason. Unfortunately, due to how the game is designed, slugging until bleed out sometimes gives the highest chance of victory, despite being boring for survivors and also the killer (at least for me).

    Obviously the difference between my experience and yours is that you can see the presumed burnout when they do things like hitting you on hook. I think it's also worth noting that that isn't even a sure sign, since I often hit on hook as Dracula because I try to change form too quickly after hooking (and wolf form is also left-click on a mouse), but, as I said in my 'too long, can't read' summary, I think the way these killers acted demonstrates their toxic intentions or burnout.

    If the developers wanted to remove 'toxic' slugging as an option in a constructive way then I'd like something like adding a special Team-Mori animation that automatically plays when all Survivors are in the dying state at the same time. They could make it map-dependent, like throwing all remaining survivors into the meat grinder at Gideon or tying them up and placing them as scarecrows on Coldwind Farm. If they wanted to have animations that didn't show the Killer (to reduce the workload of animations that don't fit for some Killers) they could just show the frozen survivors on hooks in the cold room in Gideon for example, or show the completed Survivor-scarecrows placed amongst the corn rather than actually seeing the Mori process, which would also explain the time-lapse of the Killer finding each downed Survivor and then showing the Survivors in a 'say cheese' style photo opportunity for nice screenshot opportunities. This kind of change would be more interesting and much less abusable than something like giving Survivors an option to bleed out faster (which could also be used to hurt your team).

  15. Thank you for this video, it is very much needed in times like these that playing solo q no longer feels fun.
    It gets very exhausting getting tunneled, camped and/or slugged every single match, whether youโ€™re good or bad at the game, the whole survivor experience is very frustrating lately + your own team making everything worse

  16. its good you made this video because I was just getting depressed. I felt alone that I was just a nice survivor and I get treated badly for playing good? I don't even use flashlight most of the time, no tbag, and the killer is usually winning because my whole team is dead and useless. I'm the only one running the killer.

  17. Had a killer dry hump me until I died because I ran them for 2 gens at the start of the game. They never hooked me or got another player downed they didnโ€™t care. My teammates tried to help but the killer just wanted me out ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚.

  18. I do think this game would benefit from a perma block button for the people that dont want to play against this and to disincentivize this type of behaviour. tho the player base is big enough for it to not affect matchmaking time

  19. honest question: do you report this type of players? question for viewers haha. intentional bleeding out and hum*ing is punishable by ban or am I wrong? (it is 200% if you play with the same player and he does it to you two or more times)


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