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33 thoughts on “HOW TO FEEL WHAT TOP MMR IS LIKE! – Dead by Daylight!”

  1. shit like this is why I have dropped dbd. It is way too damn stressful to play killer. A good killer can only do so much, and might be lucky to get a kill, and thats without doing any of the boring things like just camping hooks and a three gen. Killer role is just a joke at this point. Survivor is boring. Its so easy. Just hold a button for a minute and you win. I'll keep watching gameplay and such, but I am not playing till the devs wake the fuck up and change things. They probably won't, though, because survivors are the little teachers pets of this game

  2. I should be a silver legue player.
    But I keep getting the sweatiest survivors who out skill me every day of the week. I shouldn't be competing against double platinum level of MMR for 20 year (hyperbolic) top rank sweat bots.

  3. I loved this game untill this shite became non stop. It belongs to the streets. The most enjoyment I get Is seeing you hop on to destroy the snowflakes every once and awhile. Keep up the good work true! But only if you still have fun too dude. Take it easy.

  4. “You won’t get it until you experience it”
    I main hag and that’s a lie the game is only as hard as you make it , it’s called if survivors are thinking at a 9 you have to think as a 10 not a 9 with them because that considered your not outplaying them you are matching them

  5. truuuu you got the chance to stop the last gen to be done instead of going for the hatchet throw you should just keep going and m1 ! But I think it doesnt matter 5sec more, it was so close

  6. Not only a huge map (surv sided) but u can't hear footsteps meanwhile they can know u are coming from like 28 meter's away cause of terror radius and huntress lullaby is even louder.
    Haha, really fair 4 a game that's supposed to be killer sided, crazy how the bullied and scared one is only the killer.

    Like this if u think Shack needs to be renamed to SURVIVOR SHACK.

  7. How do you keep doing it, tru3? Killer is such a joke now. I'm nowhere as good as you, and literally had to give up playing, or just be sad, mad, sweaty, and angry everytime I play killer struggling just to get 3-4 hooks. It's even worse on ps4. Can't use any of the mobile killers bc of performance issues. When someone cleanses a totem, or unhooks someone the game freezes and you completely lose the person your chasing, and auto aim royalty f'n me. I learned a lot from you, but can't mimic it on ps4. Just doesn't work. I swear the killers move slower or something….

  8. It's so cringe and embarrasing, that most of the time toxics, and even cheaters, you encounter are russians, when I'm russian myself. Not only the majority of surv community are being toxic, but realization, that the people of my country constitues that majority, is beyond sad.

    Watching your content allowed me to learn game more and thus, becase of you, i was able to reach to MMR ranks(couple of times, tho). But I dropped DBD after 2k+ hours because of everything u said about current balance of the game, but didn't drop watching u, TrU3 – every killer game is hard and painful to watch, cuz the whole game is againts you, but every time I root for you for 4k.

    Stay true, TrU3, and keep it up!

  9. Unfortunately I had to unsubscribe, I was ok with him using noed when showcasing builds but the constant use of it, I can’t continue to watch anymore. For the longest time TrU3Ta1ent you were an advocate of not using it, shorting yourself a perk all game, showcasing that noed users don’t get to learn the game properly and messing with behaviors kill death statistics, and rewarding kills to killers who normally wouldn’t get kills.

    I sincerely hope this is a phase you are going thru as I’ve watched you for years so far but at this rate I unfortunately can’t watch anymore, you are starting to look like a camping and tunneling noed user, the type of killer you personally have said doesn’t have the skill to otherwise so it without those tactics. I genuinely am very upset and distraught in many videos you have posted as of late and hope this is just a phase. Keep in mind tru3, people of the caliber you are facing you may need to have all tools at your disposal. Shorting yourself a perk against the best top mmr to have noed may not be the best option.

    As a killer endgame shouldn’t be where you want to be, endgame accounts for maybe 5% to at most but rarely 20% of the match, consider that when facing the cream of the crop especially when they cleanse your noed and you could have had a perk that was helpful the rest of the game.


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