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As expected, the mob has moved away from talking about nerfing SWF straight to personal attacks on Tru3Ta1ent
Tru3’s spirit counter:
Scott’s spirit response:
Tru3’s response to scott:
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I feel like Scott didn't intend to create a hate mob, and he didn't mean the video as an attack. He's just very straight-forward/blunt in what he says, when he wants to make a point. He just tells it how it is, without thinking about how what he says might be taken. Saying "The reason you lost was not because of swf, you lost because you played like shit" probably wasn't the best idea. To his credit though, he did say in the description of the video, "Let's keep this civil" but people didn't listen.
Few things:
1. What true said about nerfing SWF: I think he mostly talked about giving survivors in a SWF team an action speed debuff for healing and repairing (the bigger the SWF, the bigger the debuff) as counter to them being able to communicate.
2. I haven't seen much hate against Tru3 in the comments of scotts video, but I also didn't stay there for long. I left a comment with my opinion and was done.
3. Scott doesn't "hate" on Tru3. And everyone saying he "insulted" him is talking out of his ass. He said true played like shit in a game. And he clearly doesn't see that as an insult because that can happen to everyone, even streamers with 6k hours in. If true actually takes that as an insult, he's bonkers.
I think Scott is mostly right. Nerfing SWF doesn't solve the problem- the problem is killers having no counter against good survivors.
Instead of nerfing SWF, it's probably better to bring randoms to the same level as SWF if you want a "competitive game" and then balancing around all survivors being decent at the game
(which they will become, if they can get yelled at/typed at in the middle of the game)
And give (mainly M1) Killers a fair chance in chase against even good survivors. For example by reducing map size, removing god pallets etc.
ok so my fav dbd youtuber is one who discusses things makes guilds and a good player at the game this used to be true I loved his content then I found scott and scott was my fav untill this video now my fav youtuber is trickster shadow he made a video on this topic but is was an actual discussion about if swf should be nerfed he is the only one who doesn;t want drama he even said he would be excluding some stuff so no one gets any hate including true talent
Scott: I'm not going to criticize your performance.
Also Scott: you played like shit
I believe thats not the way to start a conversation.
dont have a clip about the swf nerf but i do have a tweet from true suggesting a nerf to swfs if that is what you are looking for:
I don't agree with either of them.
They both have very big egos, and sometimes they have relevant points, but their opinions are often not on point with what actually happens in matches. Tru3 complains about survivor strength, while playing poorly in certain scenarios, while Scott basically shrugs off survivor strength by saying basically this (I'm paraphrasing here, obviously): Sweat squads exist, but they have to be this very, very specific survivor group that nobody will ever see. They are just opposite extremes in this case.
Scott, that is Gatekeeping and not helpful to discussions. I just get frustrated when I see sloppy arguments like that from both of them because they are knowledgeable about the game, no question (they are limited in certain areas like Scott saying hag is not anywhere near top tier, but that's probably because he doesn't know about people like Michi and Spacecoconut, who can decimate with hag due to their playstyles). They just don't actually discuss ideas, which is how good debates and ideas are made.
The forums already hate Tru3 for some reason, why does everyone need to? Even if I don't agree with them, they have some good points. Scott just seems to not consider anyone else's opinion than his own. It makes him look narcissistic, same with Tru3. It truly is a match made in hell for them, isn't it?
I’m glad you put your thoughts on the topic spacecoconut cause it’s really nice to be informed as well as learn what your thoughts are
I roll my eyes at this drama. I enjoy watching them both, am subbed to both but neither of them insulted the other in the way that everyone is implying.
While yes Scott stepped out of line in this instance there was no need to insult him just present your points without insulting. True also happens to be childish as he says something and his chat runs with it and makes it bigger then it needs to be, and in the instant of the team being a "swf" was just incorrect and false. He never actually goes back on what he says even though it's pretty obvious to most that they weren't in a swf not even close. They both try to be right and fail to understand each others points which suck as they both have great views but lack the ability to understand and debate. That nurse game he played bad, there is no way you have a 12 minute game with that build and get no kills. Does not matter how good the swf is the game would be over, if it's not that's on you. That was a good game to pull by Scott as it shows that wasn't the power of swf. The Plauge game was a bad one as you can tell all 4 survivors were decent and he happened to get a really good map for survivors on top of him playing plauge so that cant be used fairly for evidence. Scott's and Trues community are both very toxic and it dosen't help when the two people at the head of it all don't do anything but entertain it in the case of Scott's newest "debate" which I lose lightly as it wasn't.
The first 10 seconds of hearing that guy made me wanna kms
It's just ridiculous, nit picking someone over a game lol.
DBD drama? ohhh brother it's not that serious
Scott is toxic and is attacking TrU3. Very childish I have so much respect for Tru3
Ah yes, the classis "the content creators shit on each other because the developers don't release content fast enough, so they are bored, and create drama" syndrome.
I think that you missed the point of what Scott was trying to prove, more or less that spirt lacks a solid counter. Tru3's counter just dropping pallet early everytime.
If you watch his video he explains that he wants to debate about swf and that his idea isn't solid about slowing gen speed.
It''s not that Tru3 is a bad player it's that he makes mistakes, then he calls out survivors saying their 1% and all swf when one guy only had been play for 4 months and was solo Q.
Personally I find your opinion bias at times, scott isn't a person who wants to win arguments all the time it's called a debate for a reason and I'm 100% with Scott on this one.
I've always been a fan of your content and at the end of the day I'll still support you I think it's just one big drama mess.
Really good video bro, i subbed, keep it up man!!
Scott comes off as a bit of a child. How do you turn a difference of opinion into saying to other guy is making fun of someone?
Another great video! It’s sad that people like Scott prefer criticizing instead of having actual debates.
theyre both bums just watch hexy or otz or some shit
Someone needed to do it. Scott is a blunt person, glad it was him. Sad that Tru3 is too egotistical to see things.
no matter what your opinion on either streamer is, nerfing SWF is not a good idea and would pretty much destroy this community. this game has already went so downhill recently, it would really suck if behaviour listened to some of the people in this community and nerfed it.
What really bugs me more than anything is that on Twitter Jendenise is trying make it seem like Tru3 was "Making fun of disabled people." Because he read some guy's comment from the chat in a silly voice.
And they are literally making fun of him for spelling a word wrong when he has dyslexia. The hypocrisy is insane!
crazy how many people are acting like Scott committed a crime by releasing that video
Fake news and you are biased. Youre in favor of true and you are biased spreading bad duscission on Scott. You are attacking Scott for no reason.
I… don't fully understand why you called it a roast. If I remember the video correctly, all he said was "you played like shit." and that's not a roast. in this case, it was just a harsh wording of a fact, as true (in the games shown) just misplayed multiple times. Unless I am forgetting some things Scott said, that video was NOT a roast, but just poorly worded facts (which is another issue of it's own).
also, you say scott didn't concider true's context etc. but, based on this video, it seems like you didn't concider scott's context etc either (at least, to me it didn't show in this video). you also just straight up took what scott said and that's it. which, at least you pointed out in the beginning that you miss a lot. but it's kind of hypocritical to make a video all about how context matters, but then you don't actually research the context yourself. while yes, you may have better things to do, you can at least take longer to make this video. cuz this video is hypocricy at it's finest. (also I should say, I am neither a fan of True, nor Scott, nor you. I just occasionally watch a video of you and scott and that's it)
I remember when Scott and his wife insulted you on Twitter due to believing you played against Jendenise in a hag game. Your apology video calling them out was probably your funniest one, definitely my favorite. I would have thought Scott wouldn't talk to you anymore after that, he looks like the type to hold grudges especially if someone upsets Jendenise.
I had a gut feeling that this would be a mob getting stirred up like Beauty and the Beast.
Scott ”Wile E. Coyote” Jund
I know we should balance Swift’s at some point because they are not balanced but I also think we need to make a better experience for cello players and I’m hoping the MMR system will do that but I think the only way to fix it is if we make a ranked mode in a non-ranked mode and yes I know it might split the player base I just really wish we had accurate matchmaking Actually to be honest solo queue player should get buffed and swifts should get D buffs also I would like to have a discussion with you but I’m nervous I just make myself look dumb
I know this video is more about the debate and not the spirit per sey but I'm contractually obligated to hate on Spirit so here I go
Spirits mains are just nurses who gave up.
There is next to no counter to a strider spirit and she's a very low skill cap killer.
If I could buy behaviour the first thing I would do is nerf that killer to the ground.
At least make her require some degree of skill to 4k with even in "competent" hands.
So, imo i kinda agree scott needs to work on his approach to responding to others – he's aggressive and blunt which can be seen as rude – however I do think tru3's ideas about nerfing swf's are stupid af considering only like 20% (if not less) of swf's play together to have a rly difficult match, most of the time you're just playing casually w ur mates for fun – and therefore probably doing worse than solo queue. You get a bit more info sure but idk I just think swf is fine rn, it isnt fucking up the games balanxe at any extent because it just isnt common to get a competitive swf.
scott really likes the drama train even if he claims he does not
Yep Scott chose to show only True's videos that prove his own point without showing the moments that could sustain True's position on the matter. I really hope that True will ignore the bait and avoid to make a video with Scott. The witch hunting against True's streams must end asap and that's it.
scotts community? bad? uhm may want to look at tru3's man
most who watch scott watch otz most who watch tru3 would kill otz and scott
2 cooporate shills who play this dumpsterfire of a game for a living having an argument about balance/fun with their warped perspective of beeing all knowing and thinking they are the standard template for "fun/entertaiment" what the game should have been in the first place, watching them is comparable about 2 office peeps arguing about what coffee to order even tho its essentially the same
That’s what Scott does. He’s as bad as his community IMO
Yeah, Scott just wanted to practically say he thinks True isn't good at the game. Jerk move tbh. True is pretty laid back about it too. Seems to me he just wants to be a cry baby drama queen. Gained respect for True on how he handles getting attacked by him.
I don't disagree with either of them tbh. A coordinated gen rushing SWF or even 4 great survivors is a loss unless you sweat with nurse or spirit. I don't get those games too often though.
ppl really doesnt know what attacking someone is. well i hope the viewer's stupidity never ends because its funny.
oh god! scott is attacking tru3!!!!11!!! (he isnt.)
oh god! tru3 is butthurt in a game!!!!111!! (totally normal thing to happen, nobody escapes from it.)
Keep being stupid guys! i like to see ppl create drama over nothing.
spot on. people nowdays don't know what a debate is, they think that if 2 sides rant for a while about their point of view – it's a debate – it's not. debate is when 2 or more people argue over subjects that their views differ upon and do so by addressing what their discourse partner(s) said and argumenting for/against it.
omg why is dbd such a political game hahaha I swear mfs dont know how to just play the game xD
I feel like you just made a scout hate train at least judging by comments
Both sides are wrong honestly
Scott shouldn’t have posted the video without attempting to contact true first or at the very least asking him if he could make said video
True shouldn’t be taking it as a personal attack because at the end of the day it’s just Scott’s opinions/suggestions and he can brush them off just like he does all of the time with people in his chat and YT comments
They’re both adults and should be acting as such
It’s a video game
A party game at that
It’s not a big deal and it doesn’t matter
The community is shit, that will always be the case regardless of the content creator and their community
It’s dead by daylight and that’s exactly why I quit playing the game
Just being honest I didn’t like this video, I much prefer when you make your own video gameplays or critiques of BHVR.
I dont think nerfing swf would do anything tbh. They need to buff the solo que experience.
Well, seems like that BS also got here….
It's funny how everyone takes both of them out of context, and imagines scenarios that didn't happen, but act like if it was real
To all those giga brains out there that say that Scott insulted True, where? When? What did he say?
He just said that True didn't loose because of OP SWF, but due to mistakes in his gameplay
If you miss half your shots, than you shouldn't expect to win, if somebody points that out, he isn't insulting you, but just showing you the actual reason why you lost
Neither of them is perfect, but that doesn't give you the reason to do the sht that is currently happening to both of them….