How TUNNELING Can Affect Your Matches | Dead By Daylight GAMEPLAY REVIEW

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In today’s Dead By Daylight Gameplay Review – we take a look at a viewer who is grasping the fundamentals of DbD VERY well and even NAILS their Trickster knives. But old habits die hard and they have a tendency to check their hooks, tunnel a bit, stop mid-chase to kick gens

BUT they arent without hope as I try to explain why these things dont benefit you long term

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Sunday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday: 10am – 4pm cst


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About Me!

My name is Dyllon! I have played Dead By Daylight for about 1.5 years now strictly on my Twitch page. After being asked time and time again about how to get into the game, I decided to try my hand at making guides to help players.

Dbd, dead by daylight tips, dbd tips, dead by daylight mobile, dead by daylight new killer,


19 thoughts on “How TUNNELING Can Affect Your Matches | Dead By Daylight GAMEPLAY REVIEW”

  1. Thank you for uploading so quickly I need something to distract me at the moment family is crazy, perfect time aswell since I’m playing killer though I try to avoid tunneling if I do it’s by accident. ✨

  2. I have a habit of hooking people in order of their first hook, and that STILL isn't enough to make survivors happy..Idk what to do anymore, red ranks are just the epitome of toxic. I don't tunnel, hell I don't even check if they had borrowed time I just go for the unhooker, still not enough to make em happy.

  3. Bro i love how you always say unclench your jaw 😂😂😂 shit cracks me up man. Love these videos. Will you being doing killer match reviews only or will you be doing survivor matches as well?

  4. I love these type of videos. I've played DbD since day one and I still find myself learning better ways to play. I'm not a rank 1 player (not enough time sadly lol) but I do try to get better so I can stay on par with higher levels. Great videos and great analysis!

  5. Thankyou for highlighting to not break that door and why, I really struggle remembering which doors I should be breaking and which ones to leave up

  6. Man your videos teach me alot my biggest problem playing killer is falling for those toxic flashlight survivors. Could you do a video on how to deal with those survivors that will pallet then flashlight


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