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Read more Dead by Daylight ➜
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3x dead hards, 2x borrowed time, 2x ds's, 1 unbreakable. That's 8 second chances right there.
Where is the skill? Its just hold forward and press E and safe pallets for bad looping.
Imagine if dead hard, borrowed time, unbreakable, ds, iron will were blocked for a week imagine how many survivors would depip and a lot of them would realise how skilled or unskilled they ACTUALLY ARE.
and those 2 last t-bagging at the exit gate still thought that they won the game, idk this game is really fun to watch ppl play, not for playing with these clown swf
Killer cant use meta perk only us survivors !!1!! 😡😡
She read and totally outplayed you at 12:10 and u complain about god pallet when u could just wait for the deadhard
People are so toxic nowday.. i went to play killer at rank 16 just to chil and have fun game but end up disappointed.. i not really play killer .. whenever survivor find out tht im noob.. they really start to clicking and teabagging.. also my killer only lvl 5 with 2 perk at end game they proudly consider themselves pros because can juke me very well like a pro smh..
Talks crap about your build meanwhile they're using meta perks as well. Survivors like this always want to have their cake and eat it as well. They always want the game in their favor somehow.
I don't really judge but I don't really like survivors with big EGOs
And thats why I will never pity bitch ass survivors especially when they run ds unbreakable dead hard any crutch perk and call themself skillful. Like foh. Trash ass. This community is so ass
Ahhh. Zoom in on chat I can’t read it. 🙁 very well played though
Lmao amount of time wasted because dead hard and decisive alone and he thinks he won because skill. I think he understood it at the end because that is the typical answer they give when their argument is taken apart. "OMEGALUL"
no one:
phenomenal: what if i…
Amazing they mock your skill with killer. They basically just used their knowledge of gens and a combo of M1 with shift W at the right time. Survivor skill does not compare to killer skill
That's just the worst community i've ever seen in a game. I don't even open my chat, nobody plays that shit to have fun
While he runs dead hard iron will and borrowed? And run his mouth to you about your build
Demoh late game is so good. You just need game sense and increased action speeds.
Iron Nerves.
Don't type 'em back.
That's what they want from you.
For example I have turned off the chat ages ago and the only thing I regret about it – is missing the good game messages and cheers from good sports survivors which don't trash talk in post-game chat.
Others can go F themselves honestly.
You are the best, True.
Demo is such a good boy :3
Feng: 'cause of your build, no skill.
Also feng: gets saved by dead hard multiple times while also running meta perks
I think it's a 3 man, 3 of them had similar builds but that 1 random person down there that had pretty much nothing… could be a 4 man if he's a noob but not going to go that far with it.
He said cause of that build while running meta af perks lmao
"Sheep killer build" says the guy using BT, DH and iron will… The nerve…
Lol ig u didn't used this Build with Demo, they would Finish u in 5 Minutes
SWF is fine they say, lmao. This game proves how much you need Ruin and PGTW, WHILE ALSO BEING A GOOD KILLER PLAYER. Without all 3, you have ZERO chance. You as the 1 have to try 100 times harder than the 4, even though the 1 is supposed to be the "Power Role". Tru3 also got lucky with RNG and the 3 gen. Imagine going against this team without the 3 gen. You can thank the devs for balancing the game around chest looting players that don't look behind during chase for the reason why the state of game balance is so TRASH. Imagine, with MMR on, this will be 95% of your games if you are a good killer player that plays non meta killers, like Demo. Heck, even good Nurse, Blight and Spirit players struggle vs competent teams. This game just reinforces my decision to take another long break from playing DBD.
Great match and we'll earned 2k. Any ideas of what to swap out for Save the best for last? Looking to use a similar build but don't have that perk
huge ego survivor? please say u are joking right now, you are the one with huge huge huge ego that's why u got many haters
That response left him speechless
All that guy had to do was shut the hell up and take his escape. Instead he looks like a DBag
Iron will, deadhard and BT and complains about his build
the only man able to perform with demo
That last survivor complaining about a build is a joke.
Thats the kind of surv that ruin the game.. they just want to be toxic. That surv are the reason why killer dont want to be friendly anymore… The game would go into a 4 k ..if true just killed the nea.. but he let go of her to not "tunnel" her out of the game. They get unhooked and jumped direct to a gen.. she was dead meat. 3 People would be nicer to handle than all 4. Killer dont want to be bullied anymore..or insulted… they never wanted.. Yeah there are toxic killer out there… but in all my games.. i meet a lot more toxic surv teams and one week..than toxic killers.
They act like they would’ve done just as well if they didn’t have any of their perks..? Like tf
That survivor at the end has no clue what he's talking about… Remove dead hard and see how long his chase lasts…
Everytime I play Demo I get toxic Steves and Neas…
Just look how balance the game is, Devs!