HUGE Nerf To Killer Perks! | Dead By Daylight 6.6.0

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Dead By Daylight has released their newest DLC in update 6.6.0 that brought a balance pass to perks that cause survivors to scream – now any survivors outside of 19 meters of your location will scream but their scream cannot be heard by you, the killer. Essentially, their global scream is now a 3D scream

In this update are:

💀New Killer – The Skull Merchant
🤝🏽Thalita and Renato Lyra
🏗 Shelter Woods Update
🌲Visual Update: Red Forest
👻Visual Update: Haddie Kaur
🗺 Map Repeat Prevention
🤖Customizable Survivor Bot Loadouts


Bootcamp Videos: *Wednesday* & *Sunday* – 11am CST



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About Me!

My name is Dyllon! I have played Dead By Daylight for about 3 years now strictly on my Twitch page. After being asked time and time again about how to get into the game, I decided to try my hand at making guides to help players.

#fogwhisperer #dbdkiller #dbd #theskullmerchant #dbdnewkiller

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24 thoughts on “HUGE Nerf To Killer Perks! | Dead By Daylight 6.6.0”

  1. I think it works for some perks but no all of them. Infectious Fright for instance seems like one that should have been removed from the change just because of the nature of the perk itself. Though I suppose a good way to fix this without taking away the 3D aspect would be to make the survivor's scream "louder" if you have a perk on that makes them scream and they do something or the killer does something that would trigger that.

  2. I think this adds more proof that the developers don't play their own game. One of the few perks left that actually gives incentive to NOT camp and tunnel – Make Your Choice – is now rendered completely useless.

  3. Do they just insist on nerfing any and every perk that ISN'T pure gen regression? BHVR isn't giving killers any reason to use unique builds at all anymore. They keep nerfing fun perks, and buffing gen regression perks.

  4. I try to play both sides but obviously lean more towards survivor when playing. However I brought this concern up to other dbd gamers after reading those patch notes, it's beyond infuriating that bhvr still finds ways to touch game mechanics that nobody asked for them to look at. Essentially they're creating another problem for the community which will lead to us demanding a change, likely leading to them bandaid fixing perks/add-ons over this. Why? For absolutely no reason.

    Bhvr man..just wow. Lol

  5. With every change on the killer side, I am convinced BHVR doesn't understand their games. I have no faith in them tbh. I am hearing impaired. Can you imagine how bad that is (inside the 19m) and then outside the 19m? This actually makes these perks less usable to me too if not impossible to pick especially if the sounds go quieter within 19m. I already can't hear footsteps and normal breathing :/

  6. I hope they realise soon and brush up perks that make you scream from further than those 19m.
    Because while this is great for let's say thwack! Or some killer add-ons. Which makes them useful even if you can't see the aura, as said in this short perks like Make Your Choice become way weaker.


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