Huntress Got 2 New Insane Perks | Dead by Daylight

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Super Strong new Perks for Huntress, 100% gonna run both of those in my huntress build from now on.
Sorry for the frame drops in some parts of the recordings I had the wrong settings in my recording software. Won’t happen again.

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31 thoughts on “Huntress Got 2 New Insane Perks | Dead by Daylight”

  1. Dissolution became one of my favorite perks in such a short time, in my opinion though it shouldn't show the survivors that you have it once you hit them, they should know you have it once they vault a pallet and they see it gets destroyed.

  2. Huh! I was wondering which killers would actually benefit from Dissolution. It's definitely not good on Dredge since it's a Terror Radius perk from a killer whose power removes their terror radius. Huntress has a small terror radius, but it seems to work pretty well on her anyway!

  3. Iron maiden in this build is also very nice. It's already a good huntress perk since it allows you to reload faster but with this new locker perk, it lets you check auras much faster.

  4. Uh these perks are not great at all for huntress (maybe even in general) you are literally trading consistently for chance. A chance to open a locker for aruas is not good, nor is by chance breaking a pallet instantly good either lmao.

    Even in best possible circumstances, if someone dropped a pallet and you hit them, you still wasted the time it took to chase so you aren't getting much value from it without good rng.

    Aruas perks general are ok, but one with a condition opening lockers is terrible.
    There are much better perks for her.

  5. Hens real talk, what are your thoughts on using Any Means Necesscary as a pallet fake-out?

    I ran it on Yui the other day and got pretty good results. Usually I main Killer and I have yet to see a survivor use it that way. I'd like to think it would fake me out if used at the right time.

    I feel like it's an underused strat on a underrated perk that also gives utility and information. I'm not sure if ya'll content creators have gave it go yet.

  6. Good to see new perks that allow for more interesting plays. Really digging the idea of being able to get an aura reading from reloading hatchets everytime you open a locker!

  7. Yep dude I like when you do these you show you skill so I don’t have to feel bad when I don’t have time to watch your stream (btw like your content continue the great work)

  8. Distortion needs a major buff and has for a long time imho. Should be like a constant aura disruption on a cycling cooldown once completing an objective or something. There’s just WAY too many killer aura perks and addons even before the locker one.


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