I definitely agree with the your statement at the beginning of the video, i dont wanna mention names but what you have said, applies to dbd streamers that i watch
Man, I love demo, but mmr makes every game with him now stressful. Bc I'm higher up in mmr, I can no longer have fun games, only survivor sweat squads.
I hope they take to heart polite, well thought out, and properly explained reasoning for game critiques in the surveys. I wrote them a nice few page essay on how minor changes make huge differences at the top end of the skill spectrum for killer. Coming from originally a survivor mains, turned killer main, turned equal play both sides perspective. I hope more people took that survey and took the time to really give an indepth full view of the issues plaguing this game and ultimately what will ruin it. 🤞
It feels really odd and kinda uncomfortable seeing a match with Shadowborn. Maybe because I never used it.
Besides Nurse, what other killers can use it well?
I definitely agree with the your statement at the beginning of the video, i dont wanna mention names but what you have said, applies to dbd streamers that i watch
Man, I love demo, but mmr makes every game with him now stressful. Bc I'm higher up in mmr, I can no longer have fun games, only survivor sweat squads.
Thick or THICC
Shadowborn is the most useless perk in the game. Just a waste of a perkslot
I hope they take to heart polite, well thought out, and properly explained reasoning for game critiques in the surveys. I wrote them a nice few page essay on how minor changes make huge differences at the top end of the skill spectrum for killer. Coming from originally a survivor mains, turned killer main, turned equal play both sides perspective. I hope more people took that survey and took the time to really give an indepth full view of the issues plaguing this game and ultimately what will ruin it. 🤞
I can't play nurse without shadowborn
Obviously tru3 doesn’t have good muscle memory with shadow “it’s a real head fuck”😂😂😂😂😂
That nancy Lol
Im gonna miss this guy
Anybody else seen gameplay from that new Asymmetric 4v1 horror game called VHS? Looks very promising.
It feels so weird watching this gameplay its messing with my head – Shadowborn perk value I guess
Just waiting for killer buffs
Fast boi
dead by ez gen repair surv gameplay not skill soo ez
Sexyyy Demo lunges)
I can't watch this video, Shadowborn is giving me a headache.