I Fixed Dead by Daylight (AGAIN)…

Read more Dead by Daylight ➜ https://deadbydaylight.mgn.tv

Free Config Editor Download: https://www.dropbox.com/s/5bheybdl6zzq28y/Dead%20by%20Daylight%20Config%20Editor%20%5BUpdate%202%5D.exe?dl=0

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29 thoughts on “I Fixed Dead by Daylight (AGAIN)…”

  1. Certain users edit their config manually and then mark their config as "Read Only" afterwards.

    If your config is Read Only, the program won't be able to write to the config (duh). Disabling read only will fix your issue.

  2. Interesting, I didn't know they forced FXAA again, since I edited my config when they did that the first time and since then I didn't have to change it. Seems like I was lucky and didn't have to disable it again, but why do they keep forcing that blurry mess? I don't get it.

  3. Make it so the killer can look around when kicking gens, pallets and vaulting since the programmers put a stick up the killers but to match their personality. Dbd should be paying you for fixing their incompetence. Ty sir.

  4. mate, if you fix the fucking fov scaling on ultrawide (21:9) that basically makes you wear grandma and grandpa glasses combined i'll be hitting that donate button so hard it'll be sore.
    currently if you're on 21:9 you need to play this amazing example of coding in a fucking window if you want to be able to see above your head or idk if you'd like to see your survivor legs for instance. (don't get me started how fun is it to play blight or nurse on 21:9 fullscreen – just end me).

  5. now im not one to do this but there is a program named "reshade", itd be nice if you did a review on it as its soooo nice although this is way easier for newer players so thank you

  6. you dont have to do this just type %appdata% then press appdata on the top then local and go to dbd then saved/config/windowsnoediter then gameuser settings turn antialiasing to 0 and change the others if you want

  7. I havent had any issues with AA, since I put my config files to read-only.
    But holy shit, they ACTUALLY improved performance by a large amount. I used to get ~60% GPU usage in the main menu, but now its down to ~48% in the main menu.
    This is the first time I have ever seen Behaviour do a proper performance improvement in the last ~3 years!
    That is actually quite remarkable for Behaviour.


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