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Edited by:@Poggy
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I saw the video start with Midwich and Trapper, and for a moment thought…. no… she didn't?!
perkless clown video when
Like the vid keep up the good work

Trapper gameplay, plus the Naughty Bear skin, on an LSR video… perfect
Man I love midwich on trapper, it’s such a good map for him if you know what your doing
11:26 That sound effect wasn't edited in. Your sub notification just went off as you spotted the Dwight. I had to watch it again to be sure, but it's like it was destiny. Beautiful
Amazing how she only got in like 2 or 3 chases during the first match lol BIG BRAIN
Thank you for the dead survivors Space
That Dwight was pretty cute honestly, shame he dc'd.
Quality Trapper gameplay on my favorite map. Great gameplay!
The chill ness in the vids are so smooth you can sleep to them.
Always dwight…
personally at 16:54 i have found that if you place the trap just next to the blob instead of the stairs the survivors hit it more often. the way you are going to the stairs now is how most do and will hit it most of time. plus its a different spot from the stairs and the pallet itself. love the vids.
Amazing trap placement
You making Trapper look like he needs a nerf.
trapper is the funniest killer in the game and its not even close
Poor dwight
Your smile is gorgeous
where, where you foudn him ?
The legend continues
So many salty survivors that can't handle losing
when will they realize that their life doesn't depend on this game
oh my god they were all distortion gamers, no wonder the salt
If DBD ever needs an Ambassador for Trapper I nominate LittleSpaceRock due to their big brain plays
nice bug abuse