I found the Tanuki in Dead By Daylight | PaulieEsther on Twitch #dbdshorts April 23, 2024 by Paulie Esther Facebook Twitter Pinterest LinkedIn Read more Dead by Daylight ➜ https://deadbydaylight.mgn.gg #shorts source
Love how it took you ages to find one after so many tries, meanwhile I found it in the first minute or two lmao 😂 Reply
When was this added??
Is it like the gnome Easter egg u find the tanuki then u unlock something?
Let’s goooooo
"i am tanukieng" lmaaaao he is so adorable
This is so stupid.. So small 🤦🏻♂️
I found it and got the achievement from you live stream helping out the other day
Is there something to do to make it spawn? Or is it on the map from the start of the match? 🤔🦝
Love how it took you ages to find one after so many tries, meanwhile I found it in the first minute or two lmao 😂