I HATE NOED – Dead By Daylight #short #dbdshort

Read more Dead by Daylight ➜ https://deadbydaylight.mgn.gg

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20 thoughts on “I HATE NOED – Dead By Daylight #short #dbdshort”

  1. Why are people in the comment section this naive? Using DH today is not as straightforward as it once was. Additionally, many players no longer utilize it. It takes more skill to know when to apply it effectively, rather than simply relying on basic attacks. Furthermore, NOED is a tool that assists killers who have mishandled their time and strategy.

    There are numerous overdetermined killers who allow their emotions to take control of their thoughts and actions. This is why they become so frustrated and commit many errors; their stubbornness overwhelms them.

    Furthermore, those who criticize Grasshopper's actions are being hypocritical. I'd like to see you replicate the feats he accomplishes in his videos. Instead, you engage in negative commentary and downplay his achievements, as if they were easily attainable.


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