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I HATE SABO! Dead by Daylight
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when you unhook yourself you technically can start it right as the hook stage progresses, so even tho he had deliverance, he started it while in stage 1, then it went to stage 2 as he was unhooking himself. Its a weird thing I've only seen once in my games
I said it once imma say it once again, Bloodeh Crazeh Strimmah BTW
Sabo'ing is harsh to go against 😞 My friends' and I "Game breaker build" still ruins the game. Sad thing is the Devs unknowingly buff it still
That bill proved he was the weakest based on that first pallet play. You don't drop pallet in front of a PH especially if they have their sword down. He would have been my target immediately after noticing a play like that. Granted we wouldn't have gotten the insta kill with the Jake but that sabo play wouldn't have happened either.
13:06 damn straight
fucking finally
You could've went upstairs for the hook knowing bill would sabo
Dirty first kill but i actually think it happpened to me as well once since i sometimes use deliverance, shouldn't be like that, if you can unhookk yourself it should ccount as stage one since its the only time you can unhook yourself
Your game sense is legendary
Went against a swf team with sabo & body blocking it was annoying but I 4k them cause they were bad at everything else lol I had save the best for last but the one saboing was my obsession oof I was ghostface so I made sure t bagged them for the pain haha