I HATE THIS MAP! – Dead by Daylight!

Read more Dead by Daylight ➜ https://deadbydaylight.mgn.gg

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21 thoughts on “I HATE THIS MAP! – Dead by Daylight!”

  1. You know i felt bad for killers getting toxic survivors i really did and im a only survivor player and i actually found myself not flashing a killer while they break a pallet to show respect i would really only do so for saving other survivors but tonight i got on went against ghost face i looped him and i didnt be toxic did not tbag or nothing and when he got me he tbaged me and face camped me so now fuck all you killers im now going to be 1 toxic asshole hahaha scumbags its fine for you guys to do it but fuck us yeah i tried being respectful and got it shoved up my ass so now its my turn ENJOY!!!!!!. Oh and i won the match against dickface

  2. I think you did the right decision there to proxy camp and slug everyone with how things were going but I do have to say that team seemed pretty solid in chases, woulda liked to see more chases.

  3. Personally, I think Dead Dawg Saloon is the worst map for chainsawing as Bubba. When I played it, and the loops there had way too many small sides with tight corners, and windows. I struggled more to chainsaw on Dead Dawg Saloon than even the indoor maps. That map kinda forces you to be an M1 Cannibal.

  4. And this the problem with “KiLLeR MAinS” just because you going up against a good group of survivors does not make it ok to “Proxy camp” and also you definitely wasted way to much time chasing that one survivor. That’s your fault when it’s clearly others on the map.


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