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37 thoughts on “I HATE THIS MENTALITY IN DBD! | Dead by Daylight”

  1. So you don't like it when players want to go next on their own, but you don't have a problem with forcing them to go next by tunneling. Not sure I follow the logic. If your goal is to win, someone giving up is helping you get there faster. You say you don't play like you're in comp, but tunneling is one of the main strategies in comp. So, how do you balance tunneling to get your objective with not taking the game too seriously?

  2. i find those that quit as soon as the match starts or close after is mainly due to them not wishing to play against that said killer, it is possible they have had the same killer a zillion times in a row and are over it, or if its a map they hate they will DC i know as a killer if i get certain maps i am close to saying fuck this i am out lol.

    And sometimes if its console players it could simply be poor wifi connection.

    As for middle of the game ones i think now that bots are in the game it is not that big of a deal as it once was so people just DC, i swear some of the bots are better than the ones DC'ing

    The ones that get me confused are the ones that literally DC on death hook, i am like why? You wait a 15 seconds longer you at least get all your BP and no DC Ban.

  3. I understand rage quitting, I myself quit a game once I realize I’m getting to worked up over it, since there are bots and a match making timers you could argue that quitting a match of dead by daylight because it’s not suitable for you is fine. The game is designed to have fun and every dbd player knows that some matches just suck, I don’t think it’s bad to leave a game, it mostly just effects the team you left via inconvenience but a game like dbd where you can have match after match it doesn’t matter as much, just finish the game, enjoy it anyway you can and move on to the next game. Obviously if it’s every match that someone is leaving it becomes a serious issue and I don’t know how common this is to the vast majority but for the most part I think it’s fine to leave a game. You have replacement and punishment for leaving and sometimes you play a game for you to enjoy, generally you shouldn’t have to worry about the experience your giving other when you play for fun. Anyways that’s my two cents

  4. Last night, I was playing Skull Merchant and the Bill was talking trash to both the Leon and Ada players. The Ada was a 44 was the Leon I think was a 17. They actually contacted me during the match and asked me to Mori the Bill. I didnt read the message in time and let them all go to be a good sport. Was I wrong for doing this? As a player, I try not to be toxic and want to have fun and play fair. This is both when I'm Survivor and Killer. Was I in the wrong for not giving Bill the Mori?

  5. The ones that dc or off themselves on hook really don't give a single f** if they end up f*****ing the entire team over. Telling someone that is already at full tilt "It's Just a Game" doesn't help at all. It'll only make the person a lot more angrier. It's better to just leave 'em and let them calm down on their own without telling them to calm down.

  6. Okay so here is how I see it…… Some people are aggravated and don't want to play certain killers, honestly people like that do actually need to step away from the game and give up. Even though you wouldn't do something, that doesn't mean that everyone has to be like you buddy, just saying. Every time in the video you excuse what happened, you said the word "but" and then went on the opposite tangent which basically erases you saying everything before the word "but" or whatever at the start. It is what it is some people don't like playing against certain Killers or on certain maps and are just aggravated and fed up and I personally think it's better for them to DC then to just take it out on the other people and be toxic the whole match like the Ripley was in the first one. She should have just decided at the point when she gave up. Just a personal opinion

  7. That Feng missed a golden opportunity of roleplaying as a barista or getting a drink. Seriously?! She missed a golden opportunity. I've seen a Bill and David roleplay with a Xenomorph in one of my games during the Bone Chill event. I still sad that I got hooked before participating in it. It would've been fun. Spooknjukes did the Barkeep Bubba, Teacher Bubba, Bathroom Bubba. So many golden opportunities to make the march more fun for both sides and make great content.

  8. I’m a skull merchant killer main and almost every survivor that I down first dc’s if I catch or outplay them within the first minute of the game starting. Then they have the nerve to message me saying that I am a horrible person and that I should kms. During these times idk whether to feel bad or worried for their mental state.

  9. What the Ripley did that most survivors don't understand is reportable and can get you a ban. So what she did fall under the lines of Griefing, Unsportsmanlike conduct and not participating. There is zero excuse to dc just because the match don't go your way. I play killer and most matches don't go my way you know what i do I try and adapt and play it through and half times I win or I surprise myself. I get subtle cheaters in my matches sometimes blatant ones I do not DC or quit as killer now when I Play survivor and I see them I point them out to the killer or try to then I let them kill me as I am not working with a cheater. That is reportable. I also never DC as survivor no matter what its just a game you don't get better dcing because it didn't go your way and I like to spice up my survivor builds. Zero excuse to DC frustrated well cool down take a break after the match.

  10. Only time I quit is when I'm looping for 2-3gens worth of time….and I see nobody on my team is touching a gen in that period. I just quit on hook as well if I see them all crouching/taking a tour of the map. I'm sorry but I'm out.

  11. Well in my case i just laughs at the whole squad or if the killer is having a rough time i give them my item or allow them to kill me, (to an extend help them out, if they are a 3 man bully squad)

  12. I am newer to the game. Absolutely love it i have fun even being killed. Yesterday i was playing freddy i know everyone hates him but personally love him. I had 2 people literally go to the hooks and point asking me to hook them until they both were dead. It actually made me sad

  13. If youre not having fun in a game, dcing is literally the best thing you can probably do. Dc bots made it so. rather have a bot than somebody with little to no will to try/killing themselves on hook.

  14. I personally only dc when I go against Clown because the bottle effects give me intense migraines and I would rather give my team a bot than suffer in bed with a migraine for the next 3 days.

  15. The biggest problem this game has are entitled brats, who throw a tantrum whenever something doesn't go their way (mostly survivors). Sure, killers rage quit here and there, when they get looped well or something like that, but survivors crybabies? Oh boy, they are something else.

    And to all of you reading this who ARE those crybabies: please uninstall the game already and let the rest of us play in peace and fun, will you? You are not welcome in DbD!

  16. Personal opinion in coming. Perks are no reason to hate on a player… Killer and survivor alike. I play both, when a killer brings noed or lightborn i sometimes get annoyed. Sometimes i think to myself oh of course he brought that because he knew he couldn't kill us all (tendency to believe they are cowards) when i catch myself thinking that i get annoyed at myself. Every perk is a valid perk and the person using it shouldn't be blamed for using it.

    I absolutely hate playing against the Xenomorph… Strongest killer in my opinion. Probably because i am just bad at playing against him. I don't mind games against the blight or nurse but Xenomorph makes me mad. I still don't dc because i think that playing against will only help you improve and sometimes you just get better or sometimes you meet fairly nice people.

    I don't like Xenomorph because
    1. Pallets, low loops, windows, open space all mean nothing to his tail attack. He can just hit over it.
    2. He can be in crawl mode but still m1 people
    3. He can traves the map very fast and you can not block his exits. (Which i think would make playing against him more fun and balanced)

    So i have yet to purchase this killer so i don't know how difficult it is to actually use his abilities.
    But when he first came out almost all the games against him were at least 4 kills… Some he got only 3
    Later i met more inexperienced Xenys and also got a few escapes but the majority of games is still with very high kill counts.
    The new killer Chucky for example is much easier to loop against and most of the games against him were with escapees or at least seemed so much more beatble.
    I concluded Xenomorph was just purposely made so kuch stronger.
    The new killers seem mostly like a bunch of old killers meshed together with all there strengths but less weaknesses.

  17. Any method of playing the game (except for cheating) is acceptable. Any strategy is acceptable. Any perk, add-on, or Killer is acceptable. You're not required to account for other players' feelings any more than they are required to account for yours. At the end of the day, just remember that this is a VIDEO GAME, is not real, and shouldn't impose any negative, real world consequences on you. If you maintain a healthy separation between fantasy and reality, you will be just fine. If the game reaches the point of causing more negative feelings than positive ones, stop playing immediately.

  18. Im mainly killer but also I quite sometimes, even tho I dont do it volunteerly ever, its basically natural selection to keep my mental health cuz when I smack my desk with my fist even only slighty, which only happens when im really frustrated with myself and pissed, then my pc just shuts off and restarts, instantly taking me out of the game and I need to say that this did help me sometimes from losing my sanity xD

  19. I see your point, tho you should understand people play like they want and do what they want, some surv play for themselves and don't care for other's fun and fairness, sam for killer, i think is normal and shouldn't change…
    at the start of the video you say people shouldn't quit because they're loosing and the fact you keep playing even when you're loosing… the problem is i'm okay if you found fun in loosing, bot a lot of people have fun winning, end of the argument, but hey, if you like loosing and you have fun by getting looped for minutes or getting genrushed or getting tbagged at the gates, well, good for you

  20. Not gonna lie, i had a match yesterday where i quit by dying on hook. Not cause of the killer though, but because of a random survivor who i matched with twice literally quit at the VERY beginning of the match.

    Not to mention a person i was in a swf with was already killing the mood.

    I've also had a match where a Nea tried to die on hook against a WRAITH, who wasn't even top tier btw. I got her off the hook, and she threw EVERY FREAKING PALLET ON THE MAP, which sucked cause i needed them for a challenge. Then she had the nerve to DC.

  21. As a killer main. I dislike when Survivors DC. Mainly bc i get punished by having to vs a wall hacking bot that no mindgame can beat. Ever vs a bot at a god loop with a slow killer?? It sucks ass, just leave & kill the bot later. I think the main issue with people DCing is, people treat DBD like a sport. Act like there's money involved 😂 When you dont play a game for fun, then you wont have fun basically.

  22. survivors were right, I would have quit too. Both where hopeless games and you're not a kind killer, so no more fun, would just give up and go onto next. If you tunnel and camp expects people to dc as that not fun to a survivors, as they literally play only to have fun. You're to competitive for your skill level, better survivors and comps dont quit even in solo q as that the best way to get blood point, literally getting tunneled, going for body blocks and flashlight saves. If you want to play against survivors that don't quit get better at chase and stop camping as the decreases your MMR. Honestly its fine if a survivor dc, or quits free win. Also tunneling and camping hook is not the best winning strategy, actually doing chase is better as it put more survivors into a stressful state, thou killers only do that if there good enough at killer.

  23. I'm quite fine if they DC on first hook if i'm survivor, most likely means they weren't gonna be fun around as annoying as a 3v1 is. Throwing every pallet on the map in a hissy fit of rage so your team is extremely likely to go down quickly is what I don't think is fine.

    You really don't wanna play that round cause you're butthurt? Fine by me, just don't ruin OUR chances of winning too because you're acting like a child throwing pencils at the teacher.

  24. I do not think tunneling is ever fair or fun, and i 50/50 both killer and survivor. i believe it is toxic and can ruin a players experience. toxicity is by definition something that is harmful, unpleasant or pervasive. it can be quite unpleasant to be focused and tunneled out 5 minutes into a match, get depipped and earn no bp just because a killer wants his mori. and as a killer you shouldnt be suprised when this sort of playstyle is met with rage quitting, toxic behavior or frustration in response. i dont think any of the videos examples of quitting were bad or toxic gameplay, i just am responding to some of the stuff you said in your intro. i think it is stupid to dc when you get found first or have a bad chase, and many times if there is an instant dc or a player is throwing on purpose and i realise, as a killer i will kill them and farm with the other survivors. because losing to that sort of thing is never fun.

  25. So it seems that I didn’t make myself 100% clear of what my point was in this video. My issue isn’t people DCing fundamentally. My issue is the trend I’ve noticed (seemingly getting worse) where survivors will DC at the very beginning of a game after a quick chase which almost always ruins other players time and creates a trickle effect where everyone ends up quitting. The two gameplays shown are what I thought were perfect examples of this. I’ve said multiple times that no one HAS to stay in a game they don’t enjoy. To me the issue seems to be more of an entitlement problem where SOME survivors will quit immediately if they make a blunder. From my perspective I’ve had times where I’ll be on a 5 game loss streak and when I finally get that one game where I play better it gets denied almost immediately from a survivor who didn’t get their way. To me this isn’t a win on my part. I personally don’t enjoy games that last 2 minutes because a survivor became a sore loser before the game ever really started. I also wanted to mention that I bring up tunneling to parallel survivors bringing crazy builds, offerings, and items. Just because they bring strong builds etc. does that mean I should instantly quit “knowing” I’ll have a bad time? At the end of the day do what you want to do. Trust me I’m not losing sleep over survivors who DC. In the end if you didn’t catch any of what I said, try not to take this game that seriously!


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