I Interviewed a hacker about the upcoming changes to Dead by Daylight

Read more Dead by Daylight ➜ https://deadbydaylight.mgn.gg

In this video I talk with a real DBD hacker about BHVR’s new substantial anti-cheating efforts, the EPIC game store disaster, and show a ridiculous stream sniping list + more. I think it was the perfect time to upload this following the recent dev QnA.

If you enjoyed the video please leave a like and let me know if you have any questions you’d like me to ask DBD hackers.

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00:00 Intro
01:40 DBD’s new anti-cheat effort
05:00 IP DDOS Scandal
05:56 Profits of hacking
07:23 Stream sniping list
13:07 EPIC release disaster
15:27 Cheating bans
17:42 Hacker vs hacker
18:48 BHVR’s corporate interests
21:14 McLean on Scott Jund’s patch
22:51 The Catalyst
24:20 Lawsuit for hacking
27:35 Closing questions

Music used : ” HORROR THEME ” composed and produced by “Vivek Abhishek”
Music link : https://youtu.be/LwjzmdiRFpc
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If I Can’t Dance It’s Not My Revolution by Quantum Jazz
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Music promoted by Audio Library https://youtu.be/fLYlEfkGr1E

Music: Power Music Factory
Channel URL : Youtube.com/powermusicfactory


31 thoughts on “I Interviewed a hacker about the upcoming changes to Dead by Daylight”

  1. Christ, seeing that list, and honestly I don't know if it's my paranoia talking, or my ego, but I legit half-expected to see my name there. Still, it's almost ridiculous how much effort people will go through just to BM as hard as they can against more "popular" people. Plus, some of these comments are just… repulsive.

    It's a good video, and really shows the insight of the mentality, and the reasons behind all this cheating. Business is business, but I wish it were less lucrative. It sucks that people are willing to pay so much money for something as… well… silly as this. It just does.

    I just, have no real contributions to the conversation, this just sucks. It just sucks a lot.

  2. the devs are so stupid telling the community that they know of the issue isnt telling hackers anything they just refuse to say anything cuz they are to busy getting their fog whispers to blow them daily

  3. Gotta love Choy not being on the list as far as I can see. I wonder if individual hacking groups will ever attempt to purposefully protect specific community members.
    Also, anti-cheat is an arms race, but as the multi-million dollar company, it is your job to win said arms race. DBD has been severely harmed by cheating the same way TF2 is, there's a clear difference between companies that prioritize user experience and ones that do not as far as how cheating develops in the games' overall cultures. See: The Epic Decision.
    I am taking a break from this game now, primarily after the Artist leak. In my mind, this is not BHVR's game anymore, if hackers have more influence over the landscape than the dev's do, then the hackers ARE the Dev's.

  4. Wow, pretty disheartening to see all the blatant homophobia; especially in the stream snipping logs. I've always praised DBD for having a pretty welcoming environment for LGBTQ+ players, and it sucks to see hackers deliberately targeting these people

  5. I love how much you have been covering the hacking scene of DbD, there is some talk of it here and there by content creators but you seem super dedicated into find the behind the scenes of everything as well as getting information in general about the situation. You have covering hacking in DbD more than any other DbD channel and I admire it.

  6. You see this is the problem. Why not, instead of creating all this cheats to ruin everyone else's time in the game. Why not make your own private versions of the game to make it, "better." You'll more than likely sap most of the dbd audience, and steal more of behavior's consumers. Forcing their staff to actually take action on the game to make it more fun, and viable if they don't want to lose more money to their competition. It would probably even generate more income just saying.

    Like for example having a 3rd party hacking group to make dbd, but better and make actual game changing updates that they don't want to make cause they don't have to care about it since they own the competition. We as a community play the game, so we know what needs a buffed or nerfed. We also care more about the game then the devs themselves, so doesn't that explain a little bit.

  7. Fun video to watch though honestly it didnt tell me anything that wasnt already pretty obvious. At the end he says he does not approve of Ddosing or swatting I do think he personally doesnt approve of them it is in his best legal interest to point out thats not the point of the program. if you want to "grill" him on that a bit ask why their hacks even include IP tracking in the first place. Wouldn't steam id tracking be sufficient to find the streamers anyway?

  8. Netease might be a minority holder but when you can hold up "we are your only access to the chinese market" I think they have more power than any of the majority shareholders, without a shred of self control, combined. It's well known that the only way into the Chinese market is through one of these Chinese tech companies, so they don't need total control, only a reminder of how much money any greedy shareholder stands to loose if they suddenly pull out. Also, if I'm not mistaken, China/Chinese tech companies is notorious for demanding back doors into all the games they have a say in either for the purpose of government access and spying, I've also heard rumors that the lax security is meant to allow chinese hackers hone their skills before working for the government.


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