I looped this doctor until… – Dead By Daylight

Read more Dead by Daylight ➜ https://deadbydaylight.mgn.gg

R.I.P. Hawkins
#dbd #dbdshorts #dbdclips


38 thoughts on “I looped this doctor until… – Dead By Daylight”

  1. I've talked with my friend who was playing doctor for a bit about this.

    I feel like a lot of doctors fall into the same trap, getting people with madness is good but, if you over focus on shocking them instead of just hitting them, they're just gonna infinitely loop ya…

  2. Man I'm gonna miss this map, there are a few loops kinda like this that are just so fun to me. I know most people hate this map, and I used to also, but I learned to really love it because of loops like this

  3. This is what Hallucinations should be able to do. Actually trick you at times.

    Instead it just does nothing. I have said this time and time again…

    they really need to do something with them.

  4. Plot twist – that was actually the doctor giving up and the hallucination appearing at the bottom of the stairs was tired of your shit so downed you on their behalf.


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