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Hey all it’s PotatoLegion here I hope you’re keeping very well!
In todays video we are bringing Devour hope and undying trying to go for an exposed status effect build.

Introduction (0:00)
Gameplay 1 (1:25)
Gameplay 2 (11:32)
Gameplay 3 (21:05)

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Thank you all very much for watching! I hope to see you all in my future videos
– PotatoLegion aka “Spud”

🎵Ending Music by: thesedonas.com – “Blues” 🎵

#DeadbyDaylight​​ #intothefog​​ #DBD​​ #BHVR #Legion #shirtmysurvivor #horror #multiplayer


25 thoughts on “I LOSE MY HEXES WAY TOO QUICKLY! LEGION GAMEPLAY! | Dead by Daylight”

  1. Felicidades, es un buen ejemplo. 346 sentadillas son unos SEXBABY.Uno muchas y un buen ejercicio. Se deja ver que hay muy buenos resultados 😍👍 Saludos desde la Cd.. de world 🌹😉💖 los mortalesf abian apreciado tan hermosa mujer.k

  2. Dude how are you getting those survivors? Legit 2 DSs or 3 i don't remember in 3 games…How? Why do I get the sweatiest 4 man swf? Either 4 tool boxes or 4 flashlights plus DH and DS on EVERYONE of them💀 Guess i'm unlucky af

  3. I played 2 games last night before not being able to play because I was so disheartened.

    I’m in high MMR. I know how to play killer in general and I am very good with Executioner, Deathslinger, Huntress, Ghostface, and Trickster.

    The two games I played were even out of sweaty times. It was like midnight.

    Both games 4x DH, 4x BT, 2x SB,, 2x COH, 2x DS, and 2x SS.
    They also had 3x Purple Repair kit w/BNP, and 1x med kit with syringe.
    Both clearly SWFs by the way they were reacting to my movements and terror radius. Communicating where I was and what I was doing. Who needs aura perks if you can just tell your friends verbally??

    First game I was Trickster (I know f*** me right?) with Ripper Brace and Melodious Murder add ons and Thrilling Tremors, Iron Maiden, Starstruck, and Jolt for my perks.
    Map was Eyrie.
    1k. They popped 3 gens before my first down (2 before I even got to my first chase). I 4&3 gen’d them with 1k but I couldn’t do enough damage quickly enough to down enough of them before they just healed with kits/syringe/COH.
    Manage to hook 8 times and get all golds and 1 iridescent emblems but I’m “bad at the game” and a “noob killer” and get infinitely TB’d at the exit gate.

    Next game same thing but Executioner running Tinkerer, Dead Man’s Switch, Nurse’s Calling, and Thrilling tremors.

    2k this time but again, 3 gens before first down 2 before chase started, and could damage fast enough to get around COH and the Med kit. It’s hard to simultaneously juggle, knocking down survivors, protecting gens, snuffing boons, and kicking gens.

    Also I KNOW I could optimize my perks and use Corrupt intervention, Ruin, and pop/BBQ/etc. but I shouldn’t have to in order to be able to win with an A tier killer with anti-loop. The perks I take on PH aren’t even poor perks. They’re just not necessarily optimized.

    It’s just the bull meta and State of the game rn. Killers have no power and no ability to pressure and you have to sweat in order to even be viable.

    It’s even worse that one of the devs is like, “just git gud. FU killers!”
    Sure, the Legion update looks nice and especially with the better add ons update, but I think of it as an abusive relationship where they’re terrible to you and then do one nice thing to look like a good guy and make you question yourself, and then go back to being abusive.

  4. That mori is more brutal than a lot of people give it credit for. Not only do the legion stab the survivor multiple times but at the end they drag the knife down to gut them as well. I appreciate the many moris in this video. Great content as always.

  5. I legit will not use hexes anymore because of this. Totems are so easy to find and the number of times I've had survivors spawn next to them when playing killer or spawned next to one myself when playing survivor is utter ridiculous.

  6. I think each member of the legion should have a different mori, not like whole new ones but like different ways of stabbing surviors, it would make playing each one unique


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