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sorry huntress eheheh
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Intro/Outro Music – Tiny ballerina by Purrple cat
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Good looper
Loop queen
Am early, yeth
Wait wasn’t this yesterday? I think I was here 😮
Hi Mew Appreciate the Video like always
I think Saucy Suisen got lost in the sauce
hi mew, i like your video
Those were good chases! Nd the amount of flashlight saves 😂🤣🤣
Mew. You sound like your feeling better
nice video!
So great 👍🏽
Huntress got so mad tho. So mad she got enough. Or maybe she forgot how to get more hatchets.
great video mew love the intro and outro music really soothing
Nice video! Keep it up!
Silly sausage 😂😂🤣
Hilarious! That Doctor should have learned his lesson after the fourth time you blinded him 🤣.
This is classic content, Mew!
Fussy susan, saucy susan hahaha
I got a video for you to do Mew. Do a video using the survivor that you look like in real life using the closest version of the style of clothing you wear. So which survivor do you most resemble.
I dont even blame them for quitting. You are freaking ruthless
Can you try a lucky break build? with iron will, overcome, and built to last, so you use a medkit and disappear on chases, btw love the Kate valentine skin!! Great Video as always
Y’all enjoying master duel I’m playing toons and shaddolls and six samurai
Oh my god. I'm kind of new to your content but you're so cracked and I love your voice <3
Fk light:))
"see ya later alligator my little pumpkin baby" bruh🤣🤣🤣
Do I see naymeti ?😅😂( in the doctor game )
When I see how long you loop, I realize how noob I am. Those really help baby survivors like me. Keep it up 👍
6:41 “I think we’ve done a pretty good job so far”
Sausage cake, I love it
As an Irish guy I’m glad you acknowledged that impression was bad 😂
How to make perk on the right side become blue color? Mine is purple :/