I Met The Most Boosted Entitled Survivor on The New Dead By Daylight PTB!

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36 thoughts on “I Met The Most Boosted Entitled Survivor on The New Dead By Daylight PTB!”

  1. I was diagnosed with severe depression and severe anxiety, and the way they weaponized their illness pisses me off. I don’t tell anyone because it’s MY problem. If you’re bad at the game, and have to use your illness as pity points, just quit playing. There are people out there who couldn’t give a shit. If I came across them, I would’ve been very insensitive, but you handled that so well, Jay.

  2. I’m guilty of playing stupid from time to time and I always admit it whenever I play like a dumb-dumb, but for someone to play stupid, then to blame their stupidity and reason why they lost on someone else and then tell their friend a different story of what happened and soon after say they have depression, is a whole new level of entitlement as well as a whole new level of low for bringing up something as serious as depression just because they don’t want to admit they suck at the game.

  3. This why i love your videos because i do the same thing as you and say the same thing you inspired me for dbd also its a ptb so anyway people are just trying to have fun with the new killer and survivor people and ttvs should not be getting all worked up over that and keep making this vids i love them you teach me something every time i do watch them thanks Jay💯

  4. It hurts me to see a dude play a game without actually playing it, then banks on the good will of a killer to play into a fictional method that this person has seen/experienced through people that farm and what not, then weaponize his mental illness when he had full control of the situation, to stay and be berated further or leave and ignore people. Imagine playing a horror game, or better yet, being inside a horror movie and being like "Mr Killer, you just cut me and I'm lightly bleeding, so you cant stab or slice me for another 3 minutes until I get a safe distance away and hide in a safe location that will take time for you to find" and the Killer just agrees and walks away. Would be one boring ass movie.

  5. Also man real talk, I have manic depression and crippling anxiety, I'm so anxious I cant play any online games by myself for the fear that I'll under-perform and screw my team over. It's tragic cause I used to be a really high ranked FPS player and league player, hit diamond on league back in like season 3, was in tournaments for shooters. But mental health got the better of me. I take responsibility for myself, and I worry about everyone else but myself. I could never sit in a bush for 3 minutes afraid of a killer and hinder my team like that. Nor could I take a lashing from my team or antagonize the enemy when I know I was playing badly.

  6. He probably had surgery for his brain. That's why he can't think straight with his 2 remaining brain cells :). But it's the killers fault.

  7. Honestly I'm not suprised he went on to cry he tunneled him. If you play like shit and get killed. Thats your punishment, the killers aren't your friend, they don't give you 2nd chances.

  8. I would swear jay you're my brother from another mother cuz we have the same mindset we play killer and Survivor competitively and we don't put up with people's crap and these made up rules and I put salty people in their place just like you

  9. Wanna know what the best part is? You have enough evidence to get BOTH their Twitch channels banned, RIGHT now. Because the number of ToS violations they pulled throughout that entire shit is STAGGERING. Homie thinks he's depressed now, he ain't seen nothing yet if you decide to go postal on both their asses.

    And they'd 100% deserve it, because imagine them pulling this crap on another smaller channel. Against someone ELSE dealing with mental health struggles potentially. What then? Cuz if they did it here, they'll do it again. Assuming they haven't already in the past (which I'm willing to guess they probably have).

    Were it my channel being targeted the way yours was, Jay, I woulda brought the wrath of God down on their heads, with that much damning evidence. But you do whatever you feel is right and keep being a badass calling all these asswipes out on their bullshit. Much love. 💙

  10. Great way you handled the situation, one thing is the streamer in question is a girl and you kept calling her him, but other than that good vid 🤟

  11. Your mental illness IS NOT AN EXCUSE to be an asshole, and if you try to weaponize it when you get called out for starting shit, then you lose all respect from those of us who actually suffer with our mental illness. Don't be that guy. No one likes that guy.

  12. Bro i just reported someone for harassment because i admit i did play a bit toxic but this survivor just trashed talked me at the end of the game then proceeded to leave a comment on my steam profile, i deleted the comment after an hour and I'm not kidding when I say not even 5 minutes later he putted 2 more comments on my profile again because i camped him and because i deleted his comment so then I left it for a day and i deleted the comments again and 2 hours later he left a 4 comment on my profile again complaining that i camped him in the game

  13. How can you complain, when you get unhooked and immediately go on a gen. Then after getting unhooked again heal out in the open. That is no way shape of form tunneling. If I’m killer and you get unhooked. If I see you working on a gen injured. Your free game.

  14. Glad you don't let these people bring you down bro. Sad that mental illness is used as an excuse now for poor gamesmanship and is an insult to those that ACTUALLY suffer from it

  15. Its one thing to talk in endgame chat and say what you want there and crying about it but its another thing to talk on their chat and invade their stream and talk about "Etiquette" and "Building each other up"
    But then again Entilted Survivors be Entilted as always It never gets old
    Heart goes out to Jay for dealing with this ❤


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