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Game: DEAD BY DAYLIGHT (Platform: PC)
Let’s go another great video
Yun Jin on the hook.
Nancy going for the save gets hit twice.
Lisa: Don't mind me just here casually finishing up the last gen while my teammate dies on the hook.
Always supporting fellow killer mains subscribed 👍
commenting to get this channel out to others.
The game should do something when survivers are doing nothing… if dont touch any gens in 3 min…die
Love the vids bro keep up the good work
I recognize those outfits and group I think they are a 10⁰000 hr+ swf they always bring massive toolboxes insta heals and when they lose they are EVIL
what an infuriating group of survivors to play against… EZ
BHVR should really add an basekit Corrupt or deadlock to counter things like that. For me it would be no fun doing 4 gens in 5 minutes and escape. We need more mechanic to counter those sweaty competitive SWF players.