I Tunneled With The Trickster… Survivor Gets TRIGGERED! – Dead By Daylight

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Just another case of “IT’S YOUR JOB TO MAKE THE GAME FUN FOR ME WAHHHH!” lmao

5:02 SALT

More salt –


41 thoughts on “I Tunneled With The Trickster… Survivor Gets TRIGGERED! – Dead By Daylight”

  1. thanks for being a clown and camping/tunneling me off the hook and then making a youtube video about it! glad i can be the main focus for the entire thing and get you views, because without me i know you’d flop 😘 – xoxo miss karma

  2. Tell me you rely on your fans to fight your battles without telling me you rely on your fans to fight your battles. I think showing her username in your video after your chat repeatedly misgendered her is completely unneeded. I was there.

  3. aww the part where I looped you got cut out. I prob would cut it too if I were that easy to loop. Also, clean up your face, you look like a modern day Jeffrey Dahmer.

  4. You’re literally such a fucking piss baby it’s ridiculous you’re not only ruining the game for these people but for every survivor you come across, not only that you mocked her and allowed you’re fan base to attack and misgender her honestly it’s disappointing to see streamers act like this

  5. Play how you want but going out of your way to tunnel someone is super boring to play against. No reasonable person is gonna expect you to just completely ignore the unhooked person but if there are literally 3 people offering themselves to you and you still chase that person then that just really sucks. And before anyone says "stfu survivor main," 75% of my hours are on killer. Again, play how you want, but tunneling like this is extremely boring, not just for the person who is being tunneled, but for the rest of the survivors who just sit on gens the whole match.

  6. They are truly terrible. I haven't lost against the Trickster once. The Trickster is a terrible killer, way too slow and so easy to dodge his knives. They should have been doing gens instead of body blocking 24/7🤣🤣

  7. If you're a good looper you want to be tunneled so your team can focus on gens this wasn't the case though the whole team went off the objective and got slaughtered with 2 red cogs that's pretty bad

  8. Guess Spooks has become a developer for this game since he is somehow responsible for people’s enjoyment of this game. Wow. What will Spooks ever do?! lol keep rocking man. Had a conversation with a team mate about not bum rushing the hook unless absolutely necessary. Too much altruism kills teammates!

  9. What's more sad, sending salty messages over psn AND twitch chat or playing a videogame? HMMMMMMMMM???

    Fuckin' swear, this content is gold for its salt purity content 🤣😂

  10. Being a survivor main, I wanna make it as hard as possible for a killer to kill me. Why can't the killer make it as hard as possible for us to survive? Why don't killers have a survivor rulebook?

  11. Killers are not a daycare for survivors. Believe me thanks to slugging and tunneling I won really sweaty games so yeah I'll keep doing it

  12. You know what is genderless and sexless? Being an asshole to someone you don't even know. Which is what this survivor was. Did they deserve people attacking them once they left the chat? No of course not but in the same sense they did go out of their way to be an asshole. No one cared what gender they were, no one cared their sexuality. They cared about someone attacking a person they enjoy watching. A streamer like Otzdarva, Jaee and Spooks cannot control the people watching them, at all. They can ask people until they are blue in the face to not go after the person and there will always be one person who will. Best thing to do is just remember that there is a person behind the screen. Sometimes people have a bad day, sometimes they don't Just play the game. You get tunneled or camped. Well okay you're out the game move on to the next and before I get the obligatory " You're transphobic' comment for this. I am married to a transgendered man and fully support his transition and I still think the survivor was an asshole. shrug

  13. I dont understand how this is content? Most your content is just drama? Have you tried other tactics like actually being good at the game to otherwise not tunnel?

  14. Yh I get your point but my friend u notice how your the only one that doesn't try to get better at the game when it's just as simple to tunnel and camp…….. Like no shit they are going to cry when u chose to play in a way that is basically invalid to get better and apply pressure. Ur applying pressure against braindead survivors that take the bait of u tunneling. It's just simple statistic, play better be better

  15. Joined your stream to cry LOL you DID tunnel the hell out of her but people seem to forget that you are Sir Spooks and you don't give a sh7t about the survivor rule book. 😂 the salt will rise…

    She depipped btw…i can't believe you've done this Spooks..also 2 BP's muh fun killa!


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