idk what to title this video | Dead by Daylight (Survivor Gameplay Commentary)

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Enjoy this gameplay commentary as Survivor in Dead by Daylight from my recent Twitch livesream!
Dead by Daylight
Twitch Channel
#DBD #intothefog


8 thoughts on “idk what to title this video | Dead by Daylight (Survivor Gameplay Commentary)”

  1. There’s a few maps that I’m figuring out how you can lose as survivor. So far it’s RPD, Cowshed, The Game, Garden of Joy, and Eerie of Crows. They are all jank and require way too much work than any experienced killer can give even. I have 3,000h and I can only find 1-2 killers who benefit off these maps

  2. I wouldn’t say Gideon’s is survivor sided. I think it is the map that is the most dependent on the killer. It’s Nurse’s second strongest map. It’s incredibly strong for Doctor and Wesker as well given that their terror radius cover the entire map. It’s great for stealth killers like Ghostface. But if you’re on an M1 killer it is arguably the worst map in the game.

  3. I know this isn’t the main point of the map, but as a killer main as long as it isn’t clown or some other basic m1 killer, I tend to enjoy Gideon because of how small it is. Becomes super easy to pressure people. Might not be killer sided but I have fun with it


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